How mature students choose technology for the classroom at The Learner Conference

Education Matters
Published in
1 min readAug 1, 2019

In July 2019, Rachel Staddon, a PhD student in The School of Education, attended the 26th International Conference on Learning (, otherwise known as The Learner Conference. This was a fascinating conference, with particular highlights being the integration of beginners’ Excel into maths learning (by Michael L Connell), and a colloquium on the use of language in teaching science (especially sessions by Michal Fux and Emily Dahlgaard Thor). Rachel also presented her own paper on how mature students choose technology for the classroom, and enjoyed the following discussions, particularly on the intersection with flipped learning, that followed. As always, Rachel is excited to implement some of what she has learned into her teaching in the Department for Lifelong Learning, and to explore more the impact on her own research.



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