International Women’s Day

Education Matters
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2024

In preparation for International Women’s Day on Friday 8th March we have asked our staff and students what this years theme “Inspire Inclusion” means to them. Today we hear from Professor Claudine Bowyer-Crane.

Tell us about yourself and what you do at the University of Sheffield?

My name is Claudine Bowyer-Crane and I am Professor of Education in the School of Education. I teach across different programmes, carry out research which focuses on children’s reading and language development and am Departmental Director for One University.

What does ‘inspire inclusion’ mean to you as an academic at the University of Sheffield? How do you envision inclusive practices and environments within UK universities that support the advancement and recognition of women in your field?

To me, Inspire Inclusion is about creating a safe and supportive culture which celebrates diversity. It is about creating an environment where all individuals feel valued and supported regardless of their differences. To “Inspire Inclusion” means to promote an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated, where everyone is empowered and where barriers to participation are removed. In an inclusive environment, every individual is recognised for their unique perspectives and contributions.

How can male colleagues and allies actively contribute to creating more inclusive and supportive environments for female academics at UK universities?

I have been lucky enough to work with very supportive and inclusive male colleagues. Men can actively contribute to creating more inclusive and supportive environments in a number of ways. For example, taking proactive steps to supporting women in the workplace by advocating for family-friendly policies, supporting policies and initiatives that promote gender equality in recruitment, promotions and leadership, being mindful of language and behaviour that perpetuates stereotypes and promoting a culture of respect.

Claudine Bowyer-Crane is Professor of Education at the School of Education



Education Matters

Research, Scholarship and Innovation in the School of Education at The University of Sheffield. To find our more about us, visit