My progression from USIC to the University of Sheffield

Education Matters
3 min readDec 6, 2023


by Thaksala Ranasinghege Dona

After completing my undergraduate degree in my home country, I was able to get a placement for a pre-Master’s programme at the University of Sheffield International College (USIC) for September 2022. I was beyond elated to get this opportunity to live and study abroad.

The College induction started in the last week of September 2022. I remember arriving at the College not knowing anyone, however the staff was very welcoming and many introductory sessions were held to help the international students to get familiar with the university, college, the city and life in the UK. I remember joining the campus tour with two of the staff members and some colleagues on the first day and it was very useful as they showed us around the campus. The introductory week also included informative sessions varying from brief discussions on unfair means to staying safe in the city.

I am beyond grateful for the staff for being resourceful during my year at the USIC. The academic staff and the non-academic staff would go out of their way to help the students to have a smooth progression from the College to the University. The tutors at the College maintain a close and good rapport with the students. The College is open to diversity inclusion the same as the University. This helps the students learn in a friendly environment.

The difference of experiences I have faced from the College to the University is the number of study hours per week and student autonomy. Whilst I was in the College I had lessons everyday and the tutors monitored every student making sure everyone participated. At University, the students should take the responsibility to attend the lessons and actively engage in the sessions. Although University seems to be laid back compared to USIC, a postgraduate degree at the University level requires students to spend extra hours preparing and studying. Nevertheless, the resources are readily available for the students to engage in their studies.

The programme had four modules throughout the academic year. We would have two modules from the stream of study we follow, an academic English module to improve our English and academic writing, and a research project module to prepare us for dissertation. Before every summative assessment, there would be a formative assessment(s) preparing us for the final submission. Additionally, there were one-to-one tutorials for all the formative assessments in each module and we get detailed feedback from the tutors. Similar to the University, the College also has the option to resit any examination or resubmit any assessment if a student has not met the required mark.

When I started my MA in September 2023 after completing the pre-Masters programme, I was ready to continue my academic journey and I felt fully prepared for the education system in the UK. I see familiar faces of my colleagues from my previous course, and Sheffield feels like home after staying here for nearly a year. Today I am on the right path studying the MA of my choice owing to the amazing lecturers and the staff at the College.

Thaksala Ranasinghege Dona is a student on the MA Education: Language and Education in The School of Education at The University of Sheffield.



Education Matters

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