Sharing Movies in Sofa

Shawn Hickman
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2015


Everyone loves to be a critic, especially when it comes to movies. When you love (or hate) a film you feel something deep inside. It’s telling you to share your thoughts with as many people as possible. That’s why we made sharing in Sofa super easy.

Movie Page open in Safari. Tap “Open in Sofa” to open that page in the app.

While on a movie page, you tap the share icon to display the iOS Share Sheet. From there, you have a ton of options: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Email, iMessage, etc.

When someone else taps on what you’ve shared, they will be taken to that movie page in Safari. They can read the movie details or open it in the Sofa app.

We are really excited about this feature. It’s been a lot of fun to use so far and we can’t wait to open it up to everyone.

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