Kashmir Shaivism through Lal Vakh — 6

You own the consequences

Rishik Dhar
Sofa Shaivism
2 min readOct 11, 2023


Photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash

Athe ma-baa tra’vun ye khar baa,
Luke henz kon’ge vaaer khya’yee;
Tati kus baa dae’rey thar baa,
Yate nanes kar’tal pya’ye

Courtesy: Lal Ded Revisited from Internet Archives, Author Jawahar Lal Bhat.


Lal Ded says — Never let your mind go out of control or never let your senses take over your cognition. It (your mind) the metaphoric donkey may trespass the beautiful Saffron fields of others. No one but you will bear the consequences, in the form of metaphoric sword cuts or severe blows.

Related Literature

In Sant Kabir’s poetry (dohe, दोहे) we find a similar message in verses like

मन के मते न चलिये, मन के मते अनेक।
जो मन पर असवार है, सो साधु कोई एक।।

अनुवाद: मन के मत में न चलो, क्योंकि मन के अनेको मत हैं। जो मन को सदैव अपने अधीन रखता है, वह साधु कोई विरला ही होता है।
Don’t follow your mind wherever it takes because it will take you everywhere and therefore nowhere significant. It is also not very easy to control your mind, because it takes practice and a lot of effort.

मनुवा तो पंछी भया, उड़ि के चला अकास ।
ऊपर ही ते गिरि पड़ा, मन माया के पास ।।

अनुवाद: यह मन तो पक्षी होकर भावना रूपी आकाश में उड़ चला, ऊपर पहुँच जाने पर भी यह मन, पुनः नीचे आकर माया के निकट गिर पड़ा।

Mind is like a bird, it will soar in the skies of imaginary or illusory expanses of life, repeatedly crashing to the ground of unnecessary attachments, therefore keeping you engaged in a mindless pursuit.



Rishik Dhar
Sofa Shaivism

I have many interesting things to say but none of them are about me. An engineer by profession, living in the Silicon Valley, with 360+ days of Sun.