Kashmir Shaivism through Lal Vakh — 2

Guru — Friend, Philosopher and Guide

Rishik Dhar
Sofa Shaivism
3 min readSep 28, 2023


Photo by Jannes Jacobs on Unsplash

Namaskar! Today’s Lal Vakh is one of my favorites because it talks about dropping all pretenses and looking deep inside. I find it the most essential yet most difficult concept to imbibe in Kashmir Shaivism.

Courtesy Lal Ded Revisited, by Jawahar Lal Bhat, available at the Internet Archive.

Gurun wonnam kunuy vachun
Neybra dopnam andruyi achun;
Suy gav lali mey vakh ta vachun,
Tavay mey hyotum nangay nachun.

Lalla says, my guru told me just one secret. He said step inside, don’t stand at the doorstep. With these words he revealed all the secrets for me and I felt no need to hide myself behind any pretenses. Literally speaking this Vakh talks about two ideas — a) stepping inside the house and b) shedding your clothes. Both of them metaphorically mean the same. Look inside, be yourself and don’t hide behind any pretenses. If you can faithfully and unabashedly practice this trait, you are one with the divine consciousness.

Translations from S.Misri Lal Vakh App

Gurun=guru, teacher; vanunum=told, directed; kunai=one; vachun=percept, become aware of something through the senses; Neybra doupanam anndaray atsun=to withdraw my Gaze from without to within; Suy gav Lali mey=Taking that to heart, I Lalla; vakh ta vatsun=a phrase meaning ability to see, hear a song; Tavay mey hyotum=that is why I began; nagay=naked; natsun=to wander, roam.

I am also attaching two snapshots - 1 from I, Lalla and another one from a new source I received from my Dad today. Hindi compilation of Lal Vakh (includes Habbah Khatoon and Arni Maal also) by Dr. Shibban Krishan Raina of Alvar, Rajasthan.

Dr. Raina however takes the view that Lalla has Vedantic and sufi influences more than Kashmir Shaivism, which he calls Shaiv Darshan. Interesting how different people perceive the same ideas differently.

For me the message is "andar achun" and "nangay nachun". An inward focus rather than outward pretense. Beautiful Vakh, have a great day!



Rishik Dhar
Sofa Shaivism

I have many interesting things to say but none of them are about me. An engineer by profession, living in the Silicon Valley, with 360+ days of Sun.