4 Underrated Ways Our Environment Can Effect How We Sleep

And a few simple solutions for positive change

Alexandra Walker-Jones
sofi stories


Photo by Ilya Ilford on Unsplash

*This article was originally published on the sofi.health blog.

We shouldn’t have to be a botanist (or a neuroscientist) to discover simple, natural, and effective ways to minimise the lifestyle stressors we face — whether that’s stress, anxiety, lack of energy, or what can often feel like an uphill battle with sleep.

In this article, we’ll unpack some of the research behind the relationship between environment and sleep, and review the small changes we can make to improve our overall sleeping health.

4 Ways Our Environment Can Effect Our Sleep (For Better Or For Worse)

“Sleep health” is a term that includes the duration, quality, and timing of our sleep with a focus on the areas that may be most influenced by particular environmental factors. Having good sleep health is defined as achieving an adequate length and acceptable quality of sleep, as well as being properly timed, so we experience minimal daytime sleepiness as a result (1).

As you might have gathered, sleep health can encompass many different factors, and there are a great many conditions that, together, make up our sleep environment…



Alexandra Walker-Jones
sofi stories

Content writer and published author in the plant-based health and wellness sphere. I’m just here to learn! awalkerjones.com