Rest Is Productive; It’s About Time You Actually Believed It…

Dispelling the myth that rest is unproductive

Alexandra Walker-Jones
sofi stories


Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

*This article was originally published on the blog.

From the first moment we open our eyes in the morning, to the second we close them again at night, our every interaction with the external world is characterised by modernity, man-made invention, and all things material.

The thing is, that despite the drastic change in the way we humans live, our biology really hasn’t shifted at all.

The vast majority of our human genome today exists exactly the same in us as it did in our earliest ancestors. In fact, science considers us biologically identical to the first Homo sapiens, circa 300,000 years ago! Change? What change?! (1, 2).

This means that while we may have replaced tree-foraging with technology for the time being, when it comes to the health and well-being of our bodies — all the old rules and rituals still apply, particularly when it comes to our profound need to get enough rest.

The 80/20 rule of rest to stress

The human body essentially has two nervous systems.

The sympathetic nervous system (aka our fight, flight, or freeze mode), and the…



Alexandra Walker-Jones
sofi stories

Content writer and published author in the plant-based health and wellness sphere. I’m just here to learn!