Benefits of Blockchain in Food Supply Chain

Sofocle Technologies
2 min readSep 14, 2018

Needless to say, our global existence is completely dependent on the food industry and the concerned organizations need to find innovative techniques for coordinating them in the best possible manner. Blockchain solutions can certainly streamline certain aspects of this industry with major impact areas being food manufacturing and supply chain. Blockchain in food supply chain benefits both companies and customers by facilitating unhindered product flow and better consumption monitoring. Moreover, the inclusion of Blockchain technology in the food supply chain management hierarchy also helps maintain safety standards and exceptional quality of products or services.

Why Food Industry is Dependent on Blockchain Technology?

The food industry connects every part of the globe into a network that requires continued attention. Moreover, the existing food supply chain across the globe is already facing multiple challenges and it is about time that blockchain supply chain solutions must be deployed to fix the problems. Be it the transparency issues related to food counterfeiting or loss of product freshness, it’s time companies and global authorities start paying attention to the food supply chain for delivering better results. With that said, Blockchain solutions can also minimize product expiration courtesy to its improved track and trace solutions and better product traceability.

What Aspects of Food Supply Chain are considered?

To be precise, Blockchain specifically impacts certain unattended and underrated aspects of the food supply chain. Firstly, there are certain manufacturing units which do not adhere to the GMO-free requirements. Having Blockchain food traceability solutions on-board allows companies to track and trace the violations and take necessary actions. Moreover, this strategy helps customers avail farm grown and organic produces. Apart from that, Blockchain technology also minimizes the instances of food tampering.

How Blockchain Co-Ordinates the Food Supply Chain?

Now when we have mentioned the challenges faced by the food industry, it’s time to analyze the contribution of Blockchain technology to fix the fiasco. Besides offering cohesive track and trace options to the companies, Blockchain also offers secured data storage. Moreover, this technology brings forth the concept of genesis block where customer and organizational insights can be stored in an immutable form, via timestamps.

The end results include minimized instances of counterfeiting, adulteration and the existence of a highly sustainable and stable environment. Put into perspective simply, Blockchain in food supply chain aims at improving the functionalities associated with the concerned industry.

Companies synonymous to the food industry are usually on the lookout for experienced service providers, in order to streamline the supply chain demands. Sofocle is one reliable and trustworthy name from the realms of Blockchain providing highly innovative blockchain-empowered module like SofoChain. Solutions like SofoChain work in cohesion with IoT devices and help companies trace product origin, protect entities from counterfeiting and adulteration, and ensure tamper-free storage of information.



Sofocle Technologies

Sofocle ( is a Blockchain Company Focussed on Developing Innovative Blockchain Solutions for Finance, Product Supply Chain & Insurance.