Testing Negotiation Strategies

Lucas Zurat
Soft Skill Hacking: Negotiation
2 min readOct 1, 2017

In previous blog posts we have discussed what negotiation is, why it is important, and some of the steps to take to be an effective negotiator. I have personally taken these strategies and tried to apply them to everyday life and test their effectiveness. In this blog, we are going to discuss how I have tried taking some simple steps in building the soft skill that is negotiating.

For starters, I began preparing by gathering all of the information I would need in order to persuade my mother that buying me a new MacBook would help me in college. I started by looking at prices of the current MacBooks and comparing them to seeing which one was affordable enough while also being capable of doing everything I needed it to. I also looked at several different sites to see if any places like Bestbuy were having deals on MacBooks. I found out later that day while searching, that Bestbuy was having a sale on MacBooks for students in the coming weekend. This was a perfect opportunity for me to try and convince my mom that this was a deal that just simply could not be passed up.

My next step was to talk with my mom and see what her budget was for buying me a laptop for school. We started discussing some of the options and the features of the MacBook lineup. Eventually, we came to the agreement that some of the higher end MacBooks were not a necessity and that I could find something more financially manageable that still had the features to effectively help me do school work.

After bargaining with my mom for a while, we agreed that I should get the 13'” MacBook Air because it was on sale for 250 dollars cheaper than normal and it also had just the right amount of features that I needed. We concluded by reassuring each other that if she had got me a laptop for school that I would work hard and get the best grades I possibly could. If you couldn’t figure it out by now, I am writing this blog post to you on my MacBook! So I would definitely say that it is being put to good use and that I am sticking to my word.

