Observing The Way It’s Done

Givary Muhammad
Soft Skill Research
1 min readFeb 28, 2018

So, let me tell you one thing.

Aside from taking this writing class, I also enrolled in professional development class for my major requirements. Often times, this class brings guest speakers on weekly basis. Honestly speaking, before then, I rarely pay attention. But now, for this mini “research” purposes, I pay close attention on how they speak.

Brief introduction, based on what I read before, this guest speaker was an excellent speaker. He introduced himself in one short slide that contains his credentials. He clearly controlled his pitch and intonation so the audience and I won’t feel sleepy. He successfully kept me awake even though he was talking mainly about how to land perfect internships.

What I see about him was that he knows the audience really well. He threw jokes couple times and it was the key point to attract my attention. I know sometimes I felt bored listening to his presentations… BUT, his wittiness took me back to his presentation.

Visually speaking, his slides were colorful yet concise. He used couple bullet points, and he did NOT read off the slides. His slides were there to complement what he was delivering the message.

Overall, I’d want to take his tricks on transmitting information, since he really nailed it.



Givary Muhammad
Soft Skill Research

Turning coffee into words and meaningful numbers, mostly.