Presentation Skills; Why It Is Important?

Givary Muhammad
Soft Skill Research
1 min readFeb 21, 2018

In order to transmit messages across certain audience in business setting, often times presenting the ideas are the primary method of communication. I do aware that some people are talented on putting ideas and showing it off briefly and creatively. Some people, however, need to acquire this talent. I belong to the latter.

Who will get the benefit?

This skill in particular is highly important because presenting certain ideas CLEARLY is needed for my future career in the finance world. I believe not only myself that would advantage from ‘hacking’ this set of skill but also others.

What sort of stuffs you’re going to achieve?

At the end of this project, my goal is simple: to be able to maximize my current presentation skills. Measuring it would be a little bit challenging, but by communicating more and more, while asking for people’s feedback, that should be enough.

Any plans on how to improve this skill?

Well.. just be brave to speak up on any opportunities, I guess. As well as training myself to write brief yet concise points to further enhance that. Learning from someone that has the charisma of public speaking would also work, too.



Givary Muhammad
Soft Skill Research

Turning coffee into words and meaningful numbers, mostly.