Decision Making: Style.

Karlie Tran
Soft Skill Tips: Decision Making
2 min readOct 3, 2017

Everyone has own psychology drive when it comes to decision. Everyone is different therefore each person in this world has a different style of decision.

Jim Stewart agrees to this idea in one of his book: “Decision style refers to the existence of differences between individuals in terms of how they make decisions, and how the same persons makes decisions in different ways”.

He summarizes every decision style into 6 broad style.

No thought — Decision is made immediately after the choices are presented without any consideration. This decision style happens when one person is already know what he/she wants and wants nothing more than that choice.

Compliant — This is when someone’s decision is effected by other’s persuasion.

Logical — Careful decision style with comparison between choices and rational explanations.

Emotional — The most common style. In one of my blogs, emotional decisions style is the most reckless one and can lead to bad consequences. Because when emotions is the most important factor, the logic is not put into consideration, the outcome may not be the best choice.

Intuitive — “Follow your guts”. The decisions style that make one person feels right. Really commons when it is a very important decision and logical comparison gives an equal outcome.

Hesitant — When one person is not sure about the decision but he\she choose to do it anyway and slowly build commitment to that decision.

I’m a business management student and everything related to business need to be exact and thoughtful. Therefore I’m strongly intend to archive logical decision style because it’s careful and rational.

Source: Jennings, D., & Wattam, S. (1998). Decision Making: An Intergrated Approach.

