Decision Making: Introduction

Karlie Tran
Soft Skill Tips: Decision Making
2 min readSep 22, 2017

Hello everybody.

I am Karlie Tran, currently a sophomore in University at Buffalo. My major is Business Management and my concentrations are Marketing and Human Resource Management.

As a business student, I believe in order to be successful in a career, you have to be efficient in your performance. An efficient employee or manager makes minimal mistakes and understands how to handle tasks in different situations. In business, a wrong move can lead to the failure of entire company or can put the market in the black. I believe a vital characteristic to working efficiently is to think of a rational solution that can either help or save a business.

Decision making is a major part of daily life and wrong choices may lead to consequences. Decision making may be beneficial or present as a disadvantage. Making decisions can impact myself as well as others.

For example, working in a group project or task offers many opportunities for different opinions ultimately leading to certain decisions. If each participant in the group has their own task, their individual decisions on how to carry out said task would effect themselves and the entire group.

My goal is to improve my decision-making skills in order to benefit my future career. I believe I can improve this skill by gaining experience from peers, hearing views on topics from different people. I can also refer to past decisions, which may help with current planning and making future choices. I have seen a lot of wrong decisions that lead to serious consequences and can destroy people’s life.

Therefore, my plan to learn decision making skill in two weeks is to observing other people’s choice, reflect them to my philosophy of work and conclude the experiences for myself. I believe with my determination, I can acquire such an important ability like decision making skill.

