4 Points For Headache Relief

Mo Ortega
Body and Spine
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2018

One of the most common complaints massage therapists address are headache. The root cause of a headache can vary. Origins range from hormone imbalance, food allergies, eye sight issues to precursors for other serious health problems.

Tension Headache effect twice as many females than males. They are triggered by stress but can also be triggered by other factors. The muscles contract in the head and neck causing low grade to intense pulsing pain that sometimes can be mistaken for a migraine headache. Similar to a migraine, light and noise sensitivity may also be present.

Whip Lash induced headache is caused by strain or damage to the vertebrae and surrounding tissue of the head, neck and shoulders. It occurs during an incident of sudden impact or motion which “whips” the head in a backward or forward motion, potentially jerking it out of alignment and causing intervertebral soft tissue damage. Nausea, dizziness and numbness are not unusual symptoms of Whip Lash.

Tension Headaches that originate from tight muscles and stress can be relieved by using various massage techniques including acupressure points. Whiplash and Tension Headache which originate from serious health implications, should be diagnosed and treated by a physician.

Four Acupressure Points That Help Headache

PT. 1 Feng Fu/Manyamula

  • In Ayurveda, Nutmeg can be used to gently stimulate this point. Be sure to dilute any essential oil or powder with a carrier oil to avoid skin irritation.
  • This point stimulates digestive fire, therefore caution should be used if experiencing loose bowel.
  • Feng Fu relieves pressure in the neck and head by stimulating the lymphatic system.
  • It increases blood circulation and cerebrospinal fluid to promote healing of the soft tissue.
  • Reduces neck and shoulder pain.

PT. 2 Yamen

  • Caution if you have low blood pressure or blood disorders. Yamen can be used to assist in lowering blood pressure and stop nose bleeds due to high blood pressure.
  • It reduces stress by influencing the Vagus nerve.
  • Yamen reduces inflammation and stiffness of the neck, shoulder and spine.
  • It helps to reduce pain in the neck and shoulders due to rigidity. This is a good point to use if you have a stiff neck due to sleeping wrong.
  • Yamen treats Migraine pain.

PT. 3 & 4 Feng Chi

  • Feng Chi has two points that can be easily found by lacing your fingers then cupping the back of the head with palms and naturally dropping the thumbs to rest on the Feng Chi point located on the line of the nape of the neck.
  • It influences the facial nerves and is therefore good for stroke recovery.
  • Feng Chi eases back of the head pain and stiffness.
  • It Eases dizziness and vertigo.
  • Feng Chi helps lowering inflammation and stiff neck.
  • It assists with blurry vision and reduces eyes/ear pain.

To find out more about continuing education classes and workshops click on the links below:

DIY: Thai CBD Therapeutic Balm Class:

Practical Lymphatic Drainage Massage 101:

Acupressure for Neck Injury Workshop:


Disclaimer: Please seek medical advise or attention if needed. This article has no intention of replacing medical advise or treatment.

©Monique Ortega Body and Spine 2018



Mo Ortega
Body and Spine

Over 20 years of medical massage and skin care expertise!