A Deep Dive into Identity Providers (IdPs): Demystifying the Gatekeeper

amol pawar
softAai Blogs
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2024


In today’s digital world, security and convenience are constantly at odds. We juggle a never-ending stream of logins and passwords for various applications and services. This not only frustrates users but also creates a security nightmare. Enter the Identity Provider (IdP), a digital hero that streamlines authentication and bolsters security.

What is an IdP?

An IdP is essentially a trusted third-party service that manages and verifies user identities. Imagine it as a central hub for your digital credentials. Instead of remembering countless passwords for different platforms, you can use your IdP credentials (like your Google or company login) to access various applications.

How Does an IdP Work?

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the IdP workflow:

  1. Request: You attempt to access a service (website, app) that utilizes an IdP.
  2. Verification: The service redirects you to the IdP login page.
  3. Authentication: You enter your IdP credentials (username/password, two-factor authentication).
  4. Authorization: The IdP verifies your credentials and checks if you have access to the requested service.



amol pawar
softAai Blogs

Senior Android Developer @ softAai Apps 👨‍💻 Tech Blogger @ softAai Blogs✍️ https://softaai.com