I created Switch — 🦄 A key combo window manager that lets you zap between your favorite apps lightning fast.

Victor Aremu
1 min readAug 29, 2019


Switch — A key-combo window manager built with Electron & Node.js with some native bindings using N-API.

Switch between your favorite apps lightning fast (Windows, macOS — Under development).

Demo ⚡

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Features 🔥

  • Switch fast between apps.
  • Favorite apps loadout each mapped to your Num keys 0–9.
  • A dock to add favs.
  • The convenience of use by both left and right-handed users with the use of Alt-left or Alt-right.

Feel free to contribute on Github 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

NOTE: Switch works on Windows, macOS support is under development. All contributions are welcomed. 🙌



Victor Aremu

👋 Hello, I’m a polyglot developer & designer; Artisan of logic and pixels