Gradio: Simplifying GUI Creation for Machine Learning

Mihaela Catan
13 min readJul 6, 2024


The integration of Machine Learning models into user-friendly applications plays an important role in enhancing usability and accessibility. The creation of a Graphical User Interface is a major step into deploying the models, because it allows interaction and data input.

Gradio is an open-source package that bridges this gap for Python Developers. This paper explores the functionalities of Gradio, demonstrating how it enables the construction of GUIs with minimal coding effort. It answers the question: “How can one easily create a GUI for Machine Learning models without extensive application development background?”

Through specific examples, this article aims to demonstrate the straightforward process of building GUIs with Gradio.

Keywords: Application development, Gradio, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Machine Learning, Model deployment, Python, User-friendly applications


When working with Machine Learning models, there is a variety of models and options to choose from. Depending on the data and the goal one wants to achieve, the user might choose a model for classification or regression, one oriented on Natural Language Processing or Computer Vision. Yet, one more important step that ensures the usability of models is the creation of a Graphical User Interface.

A graphical user interface (GUI) is a digital interface in which a user interacts with graphical components such as icons, buttons, and menus. Such an interface can be obtained by creating a computer, mobile, or web application which would include the Machine Learning model. However such products require knowing additional programming languages and frameworks. To address this challenge and to ensure that individuals who code in Python can easily construct a GUI, Gradio has been developed.

What is Gradio?

Gradio is an open-source Python package that allows programmers to quickly build a demo or web application for their machine learning model, API, or any arbitrary Python function. One of the most exciting parts is that they can then share a link to their demo or web application in just a few seconds using Gradio’s built-in sharing features¹.

Fig.1 Gradio (Source:

Why choose Gradio?

Gradio supports various applications, from showcasing machine learning models to debugging and deploying data science workflows. It integrates with the Python ecosystem, providing real-time feedback and becoming an ideal choice for Python developers seeking to enhance their projects with user-friendly GUIs.

Get started

Note: For the tutorial, I will use Google Colab.

Install Gradio

Create a new code block and run:

!pip install gradio

Next, import Gradio:

import gradio as gr

Now we are ready to proceed further!

How to create your first interfaces?

Gradio offers the flexibility to handle different types of input and output, including text, images, audio, and video.

For our initial application, we will use the text functionality. We will create a new code block where we will write:

def greet(name):
return "Hello, "+ name + "!"

iface = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Textbox(info="Input your name", placeholder="Name", label="Name"),


The gr.Interface method is used to create a user interface for the greet function. It accepts several parameters: the function itself (greet), the type of input elements to present (gr.Textbox in our scenario, whose value is sent as a parameter to the greet function), and the type of output to display (gr.Textbox here, which displays the value returned by the greet function).

The final product should look like this:

Fig.2 The output of the greet function

Next, we will create another application that takes input from the user and returns a sentence based on the input.

def build_sentence(season, weather, temperature, enjoy_weather):
sentence = f"In {season}, with {weather} weather and {temperature} degrees Celsius outside, you {'enjoy' if enjoy_weather == 'Yes' else 'do not enjoy'} the weather."
return sentence

iface = gr.Interface(
gr.Dropdown(choices=['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn'], info="Select the season", label="Season"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=['freezing', 'warm', 'hot', 'cold'], info="Select the weather", label="Weather"),
gr.Slider(minimum=-30, maximum=60, step=2, info="How many degrees Celsius are outside?", label="Temperature"),
gr.Radio(['Yes', 'No'], info="Do you enjoy the weather?", label="Emotion")


In this code, we create an interface for a function named build_sentence that constructs a sentence about weather conditions based on input parameters such as season, weather type, temperature, and whether the user enjoys the weather or not.

The interface includes dropdown menus, gr.Dropdown, for selecting the season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn) and the weather type (freezing, warm, hot, cold). Additionally, a slider, gr.Slider, allows users to specify the temperature in degrees Celsius, ranging from -30 to 60 in steps of 2. This interface also provides radio buttons, gr.Radio, to indicate whether the user enjoys the weather (Yes or No).

All these inputs are sent as parameters to the build_sentence function which creates a string that is returned to the interface and displayed as output.

The final product looks like this:

Fig.3 The output of the make_sentence function

For more examples, you can refer to the documentation of Gradio, available here.

How to use Gradio for Machine Learning?

As mentioned above, Gradio is a great tool to create GUI for Machine Learning tools. To exemplify this, let’s work on a real dataset.

For this project, I will use the Mushroom Classification dataset².

Import the necessary libraries and load the dataset:

# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import gradio as gr
import pickle
# Load dataset
dataset = pd.read_csv('/content/mushrooms.csv')
Fig.4 The head of the dataset

The dataset consists of 23 columns:

  • class: edible = e, poisonous = p;
  • cap-shape: bell = b, conical = c, convex = x, flat = f, knobbed = k, sunken = s;
  • cap-surface: fibrous = f, grooves = g, scaly = y, smooth = s;
  • cap-color: brown = n, buff = b, cinnamon = c, gray = g, green = r, pink = p, purple = u, red = e, white = w, yellow = y;
  • bruises: bruises = t, no = f;
  • odor: almond = a, anise = l, creosote = c, fishy = y, foul = f, musty = m, none = n, pungent = p, spicy = s;
  • gill-attachment: attached = a, descending = d, free = f, notched = n;
  • gill-spacing: close = c, crowded = w, distant = d;
  • gill-size: broad = b, narrow = n;
  • gill-color: black = k, brown = n, buff = b, chocolate = h, gray = g, green = r, orange = o, pink = p, purple = u, red = e, white = w, yellow = y;
  • stalk-shape: enlarging = e, tapering = t;
  • stalk-root: bulbous = b, club = c, cup = u, equal = e, rhizomorphs = z, rooted = r, missing = ?;
  • stalk-surface-above-ring: fibrous = f, scaly = y, silky = k, smooth = s;
  • stalk-surface-below-ring: fibrous = f, scaly = y, silky = k, smooth = s;
  • stalk-color-above-ring: brown = n, buff = b, cinnamon = c, gray = g, orange = o, pink = p, red = e, white = w, yellow = y;
  • stalk-color-below-ring: brown = n, buff = b, cinnamon = c, gray = g, orange = o, pink = p, red = e, white = w, yellow = y;
  • veil-type: partial = p, universal = u;
  • veil-color: brown = n, orange = o, white = w, yellow = y;
  • ring-number: none = n, one = o, two = t;
  • ring-type: cobwebby = c, evanescent = e, flaring = f, large = l, none = n, pendant = p, sheathing = s, zone = z;
  • spore-print-color: black = k, brown = n, buff = b, chocolate = h, green = r, orange = o, purple = u, white = w, yellow = y;
  • population: abundant = a, clustered = c, numerous = n, scattered = s, several = v, solitary = y;
  • habitat: grasses = g, leaves = l, meadows = m, paths = p, urban = u, waste = w, woods = d.

I am interested in predicting whether a mushroom is edible or not.

I will skip some steps such as checking for NaN values or duplicate rows as this is outside the scope of this paper, but the full code is available on GitHub³.

I can get the statistical summary of this dataset using:

Fig.5 Statistical summary of the dataset

However, for large datasets, this is hard to read. We can improve this by creating an interface in Gradio that allows analyzing each column separately.

# Define a function to generate summary statistics for a specified column
def summary_statistics(column_name):
summary = dataset[column_name].describe() # Generate descriptive statistics for the selected column
return summary.to_dict() # Convert the pandas Series to a dictionary and return it

# Get a list of column names from the dataset
column_names = dataset.columns.tolist()

# Set up a Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
fn=summary_statistics, # Function to call when inputs change
inputs=gr.Dropdown(choices=column_names, label="Column", info="Select Column"), # Dropdown to select a column
outputs=gr.JSON(label="Summary Statistics"), # Output field to display summary statistics as JSON
live=True # Allow live updates while selecting different columns

# Launch the Gradio interface

This code creates a tool to analyze data columns interactively. It defines a function summary_statistic that computes and displays descriptive statistics for a selected column in a dataset. Using inputs, it sets up a dropdown menu where users can choose a column to analyze. When selected, the function computes statistics and displays them in a user-friendly JSON format. The interface looks like this:

Fig.6 Statistical summary of each column using Gradio

For the univariate analysis, we can create for each column individually a plot. For example, we will create a histogram for the class column:

plt.title("Distribution of Mushrooms by Class")
Fig.7 Distribution of the mushrooms by class

But it would take a bit of time to plot individually for each column such a histogram. Gradio can help us to create an interface to visualize each column in a more time-efficient way.

# Define a function to plot a histogram for a specified column
def plot_column(column_name):
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) # Set up the figure size
sns.histplot(dataset[column_name], kde=False) # Plot the histogram using seaborn
plt.title(f'Distribution of Mushrooms by {column_name}') # Set the plot title
plt.xlabel(column_name) # Set the label for the x-axis
plt.ylabel('Count') # Set the label for the y-axis
plt.xticks(rotation=90) # Rotate x-axis labels for better readability
plt.tight_layout() # Ensure the plot layout is tight
return plt.gcf() # Return the current figure

# Get a list of column names from the dataset
column_names = dataset.columns.tolist()

# Set up a Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
fn=plot_column, # Function to call when inputs change
inputs=gr.Dropdown(choices=column_names, label="Select Column"), # Dropdown to select a column
outputs=gr.Plot(), # Output field to display the plot
live=True # Allow live updates while selecting different columns

# Launch the Gradio interface

This code defines a function plot_column that uses seaborn (sns) to plot histograms based on the selected column chosen as input at inputs. The Gradio interface allows users to choose a column from a dropdown menu and see its histogram instantly. The final result looks like this:

Fig.8 Plotting histograms using Gradio
Fig.9 Plotting histograms using Gradio

For the multivariate analysis, we can also add a new input for the hue, which will help us visualize better specific characteristics of this dataset.

# Define a function to plot a count plot with hue
def plot_count(column1, hue_column):
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) # Set up the figure size
sns.countplot(x=dataset[column1], hue=dataset[hue_column]) # Plot countplot using seaborn
plt.title(f'Count Plot of {column1} with Hue {hue_column}') # Set the plot title
plt.xticks(rotation=45) # Rotate x-axis labels for better readability
plt.tight_layout() # Ensure the plot layout is tight
return plt.gcf() # Return the current figure

# Get a list of column names from the dataset
column_names = dataset.columns.tolist()

# Set up a Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
fn=plot_count, # Function to call when inputs change
inputs=[gr.Dropdown(choices=column_names, label="Column 1"), # Dropdown to select the first column
gr.Dropdown(choices=column_names, label="Hue Column")], # Dropdown to select the hue column
outputs=gr.Plot(), # Output field to display the plot
live=True # Allow live updates while selecting different columns

# Launch the Gradio interface

This code sets up an interactive tool to plot count plots with a specified column (Column 1) on the x-axis and another column (Hue Column) as a distinguishing factor (hue) using seaborn (sns). Users select columns from dropdown menus in the Gradio interface to visualize how categories in Column 1 are distributed based on categories in Hue Column. The interface has the following aspect:

Fig.10 Plotting countplots using Gradio
Fig.11 Plotting countplots using Gradio

Now that the visualization part is over, it’s time to build our model.

We will prepare the data by splitting it into the X and y set, where X contains all columns except ‘class’ and y contains only the target column — ‘class’.

# Separate features (X) and target variable (y) from the dataset
X = dataset.drop(['class'], axis=1) # X contains all columns except 'class'
y = dataset['class'] # y contains only the 'class' column

Since the dataset contains categorical data, we will apply One-Hot Encoding on X and LabelEncoder() on y.

# Convert categorical variables into dummy variables
X = pd.get_dummies(X)
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder 
encoder = LabelEncoder() # Create an instance of LabelEncoder
y = encoder.fit_transform(y) # Transform the target variable (y) into numerical labels

We will save the column names of data frame X into a file. These names will serve as reference points during the interface creation process.

with open('column_names.txt', 'w') as file:

Split the dataset into the Train set and Test set.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split  
# Split the dataset into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)

To predict the values, we will use the Logistic Regression model from the Scikit-learn library.

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
model = LogisticRegression() # Create an instance of LogisticRegression
# Train the Logistic Regression model, y_train)

To be able to use the interface without fitting the model and the encoder each time, we will save them into pickle files and we will import them when necessary.

pickle_out = open("classifier.pkl", mode="wb") # Open a file named "classifier.pkl" in write-binary mode ('wb')
pickle.dump(model, pickle_out) # Serialize (pickle) the trained model (model) and write it to the file
pickle_out.close() # Close the pickle file
pickle_out = open("encoder.pkl", mode="wb") # Open a file named "encoder.pkl" in write-binary mode ('wb')
pickle.dump(encoder, pickle_out) # Serialize (pickle) the encoder object (encoder) and write it to the file
pickle_out.close() # Close the pickle file

Now we have all the necessary tools to build our interface.

Load all the necessary files and define the columns:

# Load the model
with open("/content/classifier.pkl", "rb") as pickle_in:
model = pickle.load(pickle_in)

# Load the encoder
with open("/content/encoder.pkl", "rb") as pickle_in:
encoder = pickle.load(pickle_in)

# Load dataset
dataset = pd.read_csv('/content/mushrooms.csv')

# Define column names from the original dataset for the interface
columns = dataset.columns.drop('class').tolist()

# Define column names based on the one-hot encoded dataset
with open('/content/column_names.txt', 'r') as file:
columns_fit =

The script first loads the pre-trained machine learning model and the encoder, which were saved in theclassifier.pkl and encoder.pkl files respectively. It then loads the mushroom dataset into a Pandas DataFrame and defines column names based on both the original dataset and the one-hot encoded format used during training, retrieved from the column_names.txt file.

# Function to preprocess input data
def preprocess_input(input_data):
input_dict = {col: 0 for col in columns_fit} # Initialize an input dictionary with all columns set to 0
index = 0
for element in input_data: # Iterate through each element in input_data and set corresponding keys to 1 in input_dict
input_dict[f"{columns[index]}_{element}"] = 1
index += 1
return pd.DataFrame([input_dict]) # Create a DataFrame from the input dictionary

# Function to predict class
def predict_class(*inputs):
inputs_list = []
for input in inputs: # Gather all inputs into a list
input_data = preprocess_input(inputs_list) # Preprocess the input data
prediction = model.predict(input_data) # Predict using the trained model
predicted_class = encoder.inverse_transform(prediction)[0] # Convert predicted label index back to the original class label
return predicted_class

# Define Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
fn=predict_class, # Function to be executed when inputs are provided
inputs=[gr.Dropdown(label=col, choices=dataset[col].unique().tolist()) for col in columns], # Dropdowns for selecting input values
outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Predicted Class"), # Textbox to display the predicted class
title='\U0001F344 Mushroom Edibility Prediction', # Title of the Gradio interface
description='Predict if a mushroom is edible or poisonous based on its characteristics.' # Description of the Gradio interface

# Launch Gradio interface

To make predictions, the script includes a function preprocess_input that preprocesses user-selected mushroom characteristics received as input from inputs into a format compatible with the model and respects the one-hot encoded format on which the model was trained.

Another function, predict_class, predicts whether the mushroom is edible or poisonous based on the data frame received from the preprocess_input function, using the loaded model, and provides a human-readable prediction using the inverse_transform() method of the encoder. This result is returned to the Gradio interface which displays it as output. The final result looks like this:


In this project, we successfully implemented interactive interfaces using Gradio to enhance data handling and user interaction in Machine Learning. These interfaces streamline data management tasks, significantly improving accessibility and efficiency. Gradio’s intuitive features not only simplify complex processes but also highlight its capability to save time

