About Me

Samantha St.Louis
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2017

Hey guys! To give you some background, my name is Samantha St.Louis, and I am currently a sophomore at the University at Buffalo. I am currently doing research, and my topic is self-motivation. I chose this topic because, self-motivation is something I have been struggling with my entire life. Almost everything that doesn’t get done in my life, or get done with efficiency, is because of my lack of motivation. With my philosophy of work, I believe that if you don’t enjoy whatever you are doing, then it is not considered work. This goes the same for self-motivation. If you are not motivated or enjoying what you are doing, then it is irrelevant to helping you grow as a person. Self-motivation benefits people workforce, students, and almost everyone in their day to day life. People need to be motivated to complete their work, students need to be motivated in their majors and in completing their assignments, and lastly, people need to be motivated in going to the gym, eating healthy, and doing other things they are passionate about. One thing I already know about self-motivation is that if you do not will yourself to do the task, then it will not get done. The motivation is all based on you. I want to learn more about how one becomes motivated, and how they stay motivated. I intend to use the next two weeks to research, and find the answer to my questions. I plan to practice, and master the skill of having self-motivation.

In order to take this on, I will draw on my past experiences and then build up from there. My research will be done with strict dedication and care, from accurate and reliable sources. I plan to interview others on their perspectives of self-motivation, and figure out what makes each person motivated. I will research self motivation, and the facts behind it, dealing with the human mind. I plan to observe others, and learn from them, on how they stay motivated. Lastly, I plan to answer all my questions by the time I’m finished. I understand I will undergo trial and error but I am prepared.

Wish me luck!



