Origin of wine part 7

Nelson Punch
2 min readNov 2, 2023
Photo by Viktor Nikolaienko on Unsplash


Training the model is straightforward. Here I will create a new pipeline for training the model.

Later I will evalute the model and see its performance and then save the model.


Notebook with code

Training the model

Pipeline and Training

The NLPTransformer is included in this pipeline. The training data will flow through NLPTransformer follow by TfidfVectorizer and end with LinearSVC.

The model is going to be trained with the best parameters.


In order to see the performance of trained model, I can use accuracy_score, roc_auc_score and classification_report from Scikit-Learn.

Save and test model

Save the model

According to Scikit-Learn document, I can use pickle from python to save the model.

Here I save the dataframe and pipeline into a pickle file.

Load and test model

I load the pickle file and retrieve the pipeline then test the model with a description. The model take the description then produce a cluster lable for me so that I can find all wine in that cluter.


Finally I have a model that is able to suggest me a group of wine base on my description.


To bring my model into application and share with others, I can use Streamlit to help me out.

part 8

