Create Solution Template Asp.Net 6 On Visual Studio For Mac

Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2022

Hi Everyone this is my second article
The subject of this article creating templates for macOS

My purpose for writing this article is that are quite a few resources on this topic on mac devices

Why we should use the template?
Because creating a template will speed us up on a project
that we already have a template and we can update the template when we needed or wanted

So Let’s start
First, open the Visual Studio For Mac 2022
Open The Extensions

Install the Template Creator

This is all you need to create a template
right click on the solution and you will see the Create Template

click create Template

you can fill in the blanks yourself and click ok.

in the open newly JSON file

The description will show your template description
Name your template name you can change if you want
defaultName is also the equal name
identity is a must be unique if you will publish your template on Nuget or share will your friend

that’s it now you have your own template you can check. Your template is added to the Visual Studio For Mac.

Open Preferences
scroll down and find Templates

if you see your template on the right

your template is successfully added to Visual Studio For Mac
Quit the Visual Studio For Mac and reopen and create new project

And you can view your template on the newly opened window

That’s it thanks for the reading

