Describing a Software Developer

What is it we actually do.

Neil James
Software Development


I'm sure most software developers are asked the same question everyday by new people they meet.

What is it you actually do?

This is a question I've had to answer numerous times and each time I think I've given a different answer. I’ll try to explain it in the most non-technical perspective way possible. I hope this helps.

Think of a software developer as a type of builder on a construction site.

Instead of building a house, we are building a program.

Instead of using tools such as hammers and nails, we use keyboards and monitors.

Does this make it clearer? We are inventors, designers, innovaters and creators all in one.

Like all houses nothing is perfect, much like programs. These “Problems” in programs are known as bugs.

Like all houses they need to be designed from the outside and inside, in a program the design is the UI or User Interface of the program. This is essentially how the program looks to a user.

Like all houses they need to be planned from the very start by an architect, this is similar to programs, they also need to be planned weeks before anything is coded.

Long story short think of a program as building a house. A lot of thought is needed, it can be done in so many different ways, it could take weeks even months to build depending on size. There will always be problems and it will never be perfect.

You might even call us:

Virtual Architects

if it helps to remember what we do.

P.S. We don’t spend endless hours on Facebook and Twitter!

Thanks for the read!

