Agile: A Manner Worth to be Maintained

Samuel Dimas
Software Project Course Blog - Marjinal
2 min readMar 12, 2020
Hal Higdon Running

In our daily life problems, we do need to have a manner on how do we deal and succeed in an uncertain and turbulent environment. This is also something to consider if you are working on large-scale software projects, with plentiful, complex problems. You also must consider the number of developers, and the number of requirements often changing parallel to the development process. Here, comes the importance of Agile.

Agile: What is that “thing”

According to the thesaurus, there are two definitions of agile, which in my opinion, is highly correlated to the software development process:

¹Agile is the ability to create and respond to change. ²Agile is the ability to move quickly and easily.

Agile is more than a methodology. Frameworks and practices such as Scrum, Extreme Programming, TDD, and Sprint, is only a small part of Agile. What differs Agile software development from other development approaches is that focuses on the people and how they collaborate on projects.

“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.”

Which can be specified into four values:

¹Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
²Working software over comprehensive documentation.
³Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
Responding to change over following a plan.

Applications of Software Project Course

Our developer team consists of 5 members, so it is not comparable to the number of developers in more professional software projects, as I’ve mentioned in the first paragraph. But the change of requirements parallel in the development process is something to consider. The third and the fourth value is something I realized existing at the first sprint review. I noticed the clients are implicitly demanding on something more than we’ve discussed in the product presentation. This is where Agile as a manner comes to hand, very important in the development process. If we don’t hold on the principles of Agile, it will be hard to work on the development process.


