A child and a half and counting

Plain Text by Panaxeo
3 min readMay 23, 2023

We’ve donated to a place

The end of the year is a time of evaluating. Panaxeo is no different. We want to impact the world we live in — in a good way. Therefore, we’ve decided to make each hour we clocked in 2022 matter and we’re going smart at it.

Focusing on “for-good” projects

We have been seeking to match with organisations in the realm of life-saving medical research, social welfare, and liberty to provide the best possible service to their missions in the digital space. We hold these cooperations close to our hearts and do whatever it takes to find smart and durable solutions for them.

Examples: EyeWitness to Atrocities, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Medrio, CancerIQ

None of the projects we work on cause harm in any form. We refuse to participate on anything addictive, divisive or violence-promoting.

Smart charity donations

However, let’s be real for a moment, not all of our projects fall into either of the categories mentioned. They solve real-world issues but do not directly address pressing welfare or environmental problems.

We still love those projects, as they either make the lives of millions easier, or make the work culture in Slovakia much better. Therefore, why not go the extra mile, we thought?

We decided to give € 0.20 for every hour we clock in on these projects to an effective charity.

We then combined it with other donations we usually give and it added up.

Here’s what our 2022 donation consists of:

  1. € 0.20 for every hour spent on a project with no direct positive impact on pressing social or environmental issues plus a percentage of Panaxeo’s 2022 profits.
  2. Voluntary contributions from our colleagues who wanted to donate a part of their hourly wage. Some even gave up their prize money in our Coding Arenas.
  3. A contribution on behalf of each of our clients. Instead of Christmas gifts that’d end up gathering dust, we decided to direct a little more money to where it can make the most change. This results in less produced waste, too.

It all added up to € 7,807.

Where does the money go?

Effective is the key word.

We are donating to the Malaria Consortium through GiveWell.org.

We trust the approach of the Effective Altruism movement, and GiveWell does an amazing service collecting, evaluating and suggesting charities based on the effectiveness of their output per dollar donated.

Malaria Consortium programme:

Malaria Consortium’s Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) programme distributes antimalarial drugs to children aged 3 to 59 months. They fight to prevent contracting malaria and minimise subsequent deaths. GiveWell lists it as one of the most effective charities.

What’s the actual impact?

The € 7,807 from Panaxeo will:

  • Provide SMC treatment for 4703 children for a month. (The treatment of 1 person/month costs $ 1.66.)
  • Protect 1115 children from contracting malaria. (In this particular programme, the average cost of protecting one child is $ 7.)
  • Save (at least) 1 child’s life! (In this particular programme, the average cost of saving one life is $ 5,000.)

One step at a time, we hope to help make our world a little better. Here’s to even more effective donations in 2023!

A massive thank you must go to all the colleagues who came up with the idea to contribute to this donation pool themselves. You’re the best, guys! 🙂

If you’d like to learn more about our values and maximizing our positive impact, check out the Panaxeo Code of Ethics.

More on effective altruism and our approach to charity donations later, stay tuned 😉

Read GiveWell’s full report on the effectiveness, funding and activities of Malaria Consortium and their SMC programme.

Originally published at Panaxeo.com in 2022.

