How to accelerate your Software development cycle with DevOps?

Yagnesh Vara
Software News
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2022

DevOps is a popular and useful concept. It allows the teams to deliver continuous value to the customers. Implementation of DevOps boosts the speed and efficiency of the software development cycle. DevOps plays a pivotal role in meeting business objectives. The purpose of opting for DevOps consulting services is to achieve the key business objectives in shorter release cycles. DevOps is a perfect approach that aligns perfectly with agile methodologies. Software development teams get to learn continuously from customer feedback. The development teams improve the product based on continuous feedback.

Companies can boost their software development cycle by adopting DevOps, here’s how:

1. Better Planning

Most of DevOps teams use agile practices to boost the speed and quality of development. Agile is all about adopting an iterative approach to software development. When a team follows Agile, it breaks the work items into smaller bits or user stories. With DevOps consulting services and Agile, it becomes easier for the companies to deliver incremental value.

2. Enhanced speed of operations

One of the most prominent reasons for using DevOps is that it boosts the speed. DevOps consulting services allow the companies to move at a higher velocity. It empowers companies to innovate faster. Because the speed of the development process increases, developers can the changing markets at a faster pace.

3. Better collaboration

One of the key reasons for adopting DevOps is that it promotes better coordination between different teams. It eradicates the obstacles primarily between the development and operations teams. As both the teams can work more collaboratively, the result is better too. Most importantly, the development lifecycle is more transparent. Also, DevOps increases the efficiency of the SDLC.

4. Frequent feedback and improvement

By implementing DevOps, teams review each release. Based on the review, they generate reports to enrich the quality of the further releases. With the help of frequent feedback, the development teams can improve the product. However, continuous feedbacks also help to improve the overall process in many ways.

5. Continuous integration

DevOps promotes continuous integration and development. It helps the software development teams to release quality products frequently. DevOps consulting services ease the process of developing products from source code.

6. Reduction in the error rate

By using DevOps practices, the number of defects is reduced. This is because one of the key parts of DevOps is continuous improvement in product delivery. Therefore, the teams can constantly review the functionality and accuracy of the product.

7. More dependability

DevOps practices help to make sure that the quality of the product updates and infrastructure changes are reliable. Good-quality products can be delivered at a faster pace with DevOps consulting services.

8. Higher Security

DevOps model boosts the security of the overall process, as well as the product. Security of the product is maintained via integrated security testing tools.

9. Improved quality of the code

Software developers remain a part of the overall SDLC. Therefore, they get more chances to review their codes, thus, the chances of code improvements are also higher.

10. Enhanced testing capabilities

DevOps promotes continuous delivery. Thus, testing has to be continuous as well. Therefore, the overall testing capabilities of the companies increase by using DevOps practices. Companies can frequently test their products and fix the errors sooner. Also, there are some specific testing tools and techniques that are mostly preferred if companies use DevOps.

DevOps allows companies to enjoy a competitive advantage

The world is becoming more and more digitalized. Competition in the digital space is increasing like anything. If a business wants to stay ahead of its competitors, it will need to adopt new technologies and tools. With the help of DevOps, companies can release their new products or product features quickly. This helps them gain an edge over their competitors. Thus, apart from improving the SDLC, there are several other benefits of adopting DevOps as well.



Yagnesh Vara
Software News

Software and Web App Developers and content writers