Myths and Facts About Cyber Security Testing Services

Many giant enterprises have lost their reputations because they were not able to provide enough security and privacy guards to its users. They need to realize the importance of Cyber Security Testing Service Providers and what makes them critical to their business’ success. The only way to do that is if we address the myths connected to security testing and adopt a more factual approach

Following are some myths and facts regarding cyber security testing:

Myth# 1 Small Business Doesn’t Require Security Check

Unfortunately, there are some mindsets residing in this domain that believe their small company does not require security testing. Less they know is small businesses are more vulnerable and easy to attack. Attackers can scheme less, but attack big on your small unit, so get that thought blown away already!

Fact: Every business and company require security assessment, nothing to compromise about!

Myth# 2 Penetration Testing Digs Out every Defect

Penetration testing or pen testing is a practice that identifies any exploits and vulnerabilities in a software, application or web application. But some organizations assume it as a one-stop show and expect it to recognize all the unnoticed anomalies that can actually cost a lot more later.

Pen testing is good to go when it’s merely about checking the code sources and test design of a software testing project.

Fact: Cyber Security Testing Service Providers perform distinct practices that are actually based to dig out the root level defect in a software baseline and it is far applicable in terms of safety rather pen testing.

Myth# 3 Security is a Developer’s duty, Only!

First things first, that’s totally wrong to even say in other words. It’s the age of Agile and DevOps environments where the team works together and quality and security are considered everybody’s responsibility. So, saying that the developer is the only person responsible for security is itself an irresponsible statement.

Fact: Security is everyone’s duty and tools like Kualitee assures the security implementation on every teammate.

So, wisely choose a cyber-security testing service provider, like Kualitatem and don’t get yourself in doubt because of any of these myths mentioned above.

Author Bio:

Ray Parker is an entrepreneur and internet marketer with over 9 years of experience in Search Engine Optimization, Creative Writer and Digital Marketing.

