Uncovering Myths About Software Testing

User experience is one of the key features that result in the success of an application or software. We cannot deny the importance of software testing to ensure that applications meet client requirements. Testers work hard to make software free from any kind of errors with respect to usability, reliability, functionality, and security. Thus, organizations must focus on quality and implement software testing tools rigorously.

Things have changed over the past few decades. Testers do not work alone any more. They group up with other experts and ensure there are no loop holes in the software development lifecycle. Startups or large enterprises, all businesses are devising software testing strategies to minimize the time required to launch an application because testers are facing challenges to launch applications under tough deadlines.

However, a few enterprises still refrain from utilizing software testing due to a few myths, which are as follows:

  1. Testing Experts Are Non-technical:

Testing experts who carry out manual testing are generally considered non-technical. This is not true since this completely depends on testers’ approach to testing. They can add value with their expertise by using knowledge from API, integration, performance, security or UI testing.

2. Software Development Costs Are Too High:

Organizations that have still not implemented software testing, consider it will add up to overall costs in the software development process. They oversee the fact that software testing tools will actually add value to their products and protect their applications from being faulty before market launch. Thus, software testing saves costs for businesses and helps in producing successful applications.

3. Developers Leave All the Work For Testers:

Another common stigma that lies in software development lifecycle is that developers leave the ‘testing’ jobs for testers alone. This is not true since quality assurance professionals carry out testing throughout the design and development of the application. This allows early detection of any glitches and their consequent resolution. With the help of project management, organizations are implementing testing as a compulsory part of each stage of SDLC.

4. Testers Are Not Required at All:

Entrepreneurs assume that testing is just an activity to check defects in software. They overlook the reasons why testing is an essential part of development and assume testers should not be hired at all. However, testing is not limited to the correction of errors only. Instead, testing ensures that all the features of an application are working efficiently under different circumstances. Only skilled and proficient testers can identify key areas for improvement after testing by creating various test cases. Managers, then use these results for decision making.

Common myths about software testing have prevented many companies from considering testing useful. There is absolutely no harm investing time and money in software testing tools. Software testing tools make jobs easier for software testing companies. Enterprises are facing revolutionary digital transformations, due to which testing has become a vital part of the SDLC. As a result, QA experts are coming up with more and more testing solutions that can save time and costs.

