Getting Started with Cypress

Software Testing and Automation
3 min readMay 30, 2024


Cypress is a frontend or UI test automation tool designed to write automated regression test cases. Read up here to see all that you need to know regarding writing test cases with Cypress.

I am writing this because some of my students requested it. Normally if you have been following me, you’ll discover that I am a Selenium fan. No BS but it is what it is.

So how do you get started with Cypress:

  1. Download and install Cypress:

a. Through direct download or

b. Through package manager here

In case you have issues using the package manager command line in b above visit to use different install options

2. a. Navigate to your project folder for existing projects and start your local server

b. Create your project folder for the new project and navigate to it.

Open your terminal from the folder for both cases a and b above.

ie cd c://directory/project folder

3. In your project directory terminal open Cypress using.

npx cypress open

