DevOps and Test Automation with Jenkins

Ozgur Kaya
Software Testing Bootcamp
4 min readOct 2, 2021

Youtube Webinar Video:

Getting Started:

This doc will get you up and running with 4 simple automation tests. It is documented according to the macOS operating system.

1. Postman NewMan API test automation2. Rest Assured API test automation3. Jmeter performance test4. Jenkins Pipeline example with automation


  • Open macOS Terminal and run this command to install Postman’s command-line helper (Required for Postman Newman API test automation)

npm install -g newman

  • Click Manage Jenkins -> Configure System. On the “Global properties” section, check for “Environment variables” and set it on MacOS ${PATH}:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin
  • Click Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins. Click Available to filter not installed plugins on your Jenkins. You need to select the following plugins, install them and finally restart your Jenkins. Git GitHub Performance TestNG

Postman NewMan API test automation

  1. Click “New Item” on Jenkins Home. Set name as “Postman-Newman-API-Collection” and select “Freestyle Project”

2. The job configuration screen will be opened. Check for “GitHub project” and paste this URL “"

3. On the “Source Code Management” tab, select Git. Set Repository URL as “"

4. Set “Branch Specifier” as “*/main”

5. On the Build tab, click the “Add build step” button. Select “Execute Shell” for macOS or Linux.

6. Paste this command and modify the full file path for your downloaded “postman_collection.json” file. Download file from here->

newman run /Users/YOUR-USER/Downloads/postman_collection.json --reporters cli,junit --reporter-junit-export "newman/myreport.xml"

7. Click Save and then the Build Now button. Check the console log for your build.

8. You can Add a Post BUild action to show your tests as Junit tests on Jenkins.

Rest Assured API test automation

  1. Click “New Item” on Jenkins Home. Set name as “rest-assured-testng-java-api-testautomation” and select “Maven Project”
  2. The job configuration screen will be opened. Check for “GitHub project” and paste this URL “"
  3. On the “Source Code Management” tab, select Git. Set Repository URL as “"
  4. Set “Branch Specifier” as “*/main”
  5. On the Post-Build Actions tab, click the “Add post-build action” button. Select “Publish TestNG Results”.
  6. Click Save and then the Build Now button.
  7. Click “Latest Test Result” on your Maven Project and review test results.

Jmeter performance test

  1. Click “New Item” on Jenkins Home. Set name as “jmeter-performance-test” and select “Freestyle Project”
  2. The job configuration screen will be opened. Check for “GitHub project” and paste this URL “"
  3. On the “Source Code Management” tab, select Git. Set Repository URL as “"
  4. Set “Branch Specifier” as “*/main”
  5. On the Build tab, click the “Add build step” button. Select “Execute Shell” for macOS or Linux.
  6. Paste this command and modify the full file path for your downloaded “PerformanceTestScenarios.jmx” file. Download file from here->

cd /Users/YOUR-USERNAME/Downloads/ sh apache-jmeter-5.4.1/bin/jmeter -n -t PerformanceTestScenarios.jmx -l testresults.jtl

7. On the Post-Build Actions tab, click the “Add post-build action” button. Select “Publish Performance test result report”. Set Source data files as “/Users/YOUR-USER/Downloads/testresults.jtl”. Do not forget to change your path on your computer.

8. Click Save and then Build Now button.

9. Click Performance Trend on the left menu of your Freestyle job and check the results.

Jenkins Pipeline example with automation

Groovy script (Jenkinsfile) is on this repository and details on the Youtube video

