Android Application Test Automation with MomentumSuite

Ozgur Kaya
Software Testing Bootcamp
2 min readSep 13, 2021

How to use ?

  1. Open Project folder with VS Code
  2. Terminal -> New Terminal on VS Code
  3. Run this command on the root of the project to download dependencies -> npm install
  4. Start Appium Server
  5. Start your Android Virtual Device (simulator) or connect your real device with USB debugging enabled real device via USB
  6. Run this command on the terminal and learn your device name / UDID number -> ADB devices
  7. Update your device / UDID on the local/local-driver.js file
  8. Download the Tripadvisor APK file to your computer and update your app path on the local/local-driver.js file
  9. Run this command on the root of the project to start test -> mocha testcases/search-hotel-text.js

Youtube Webinar Video

