5 Software Testing Podcasts for 2022

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Software Testing Pipeline


Podcast recording gear — illustrated
Photo Credit: Author (Hales)

Finding quality software testing podcasts can be tough, and generally by the time that I find one that I like, the creator stops making the show. (Rest in peace Let’s Talk About Test, Baby)

I’ve wrote about testing podcasts in the past, but here’s a roundup of five current testing or quality assurance related podcasts for 2022.

1. The Testing Show by QualiTest Group

The Testing Show has been around since 2016, and is still going strong. Episodes tend to be anywhere from 20–35 minutes long, and include regular guests hosts.

The Testing Show publishes a new episode every week.

Recent episode topics include:

  • Accessibility testing
  • TestOps
  • Coverage of conferences
  • Insurance testing

Where to listen:

