We’re Open for Submissions — Software Testing Pipeline Submission Guidelines

Calling all authors who are passionate about software testing or software quality assurance!

Software Testing Pipeline
2 min readDec 14, 2021


Photo by Quinten de Graaf on Unsplash

Software Testing Pipeline is a new Medium publication dedicated to all things software testing related, and is currently open to new article submissions.

Hales is the owner and editor of this publication.

Submission Guidelines

Software Testing Pipeline’s main goal is to add value, and share information for folks interested or in the testing industry.

We accept work from new writers.

Articles should meet the following guidelines:

  • More than 400 words. Short form articles may be considered, but they must add value.
  • Interesting title and subtitle
  • There is at least one high quality photo.
  • All photos are properly attributed.
  • One of the tags must be software testing
  • Grammar and spelling is at a professional level. Use Grammarly. Please.

Articles with the following topics and subjects are preferred. Additional subjects that are related to testing are acceptable.

  • software testing tutorials
  • software tutorials
  • professional soft-skills
  • industry news
  • conference information
  • information for those who are looking to get their first testing job
  • cybersecurity & penetration testing
  • how-to articles
  • information on how to get a first job in testing

How Do I Get Added as a Writer to Software Testing Pipeline?

Leave a comment on this post requesting to be added. It doesn’t have to be fancy, ‘Could you add me as a writer?’ works fine.

How Do I Submit a Story?

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered, here are step-by-step instructions for how to add an article to our publication.

