Tips To Hire the Best Software Development Company

So finally you have made the decision to develop a mobile app for your business?

But what next?

What type of application you need, technologies, methodologies, features and functionalities, etc; you are going to integrate into your app? If you are clueless, then it is worth to left the app development project with the best software development company!

Now the many of you with the raised eyebrows are wondering why to hire software development company instead of building an in-house software development team. Well, the idea of hiring an in-house developers might be tempting for the enterprises but the practical hurdles of assembling expertise and a highly talented pool of developers can be really challenging for the companies with the non-technical background.

Whether you are a startup, enterprise or a leading brand, everyone always eyes up for the perfect software solutions that make them stand first in the market competition. On one side, an in-house app development team adds the comfort of hassle-free communication, on the other hand, a proficient app development company can ensure you leading technologies, proven methodologies and bringing the best software development ideas for the project.

Hence, it makes sense for outsourcing the software development needs to the custom software development company that has a skilled, experienced and expert team, which is committed to delivering quality in strict timeframe and cost.

Apart, here are the key benefits of hiring the best software development company for your next project:

Benefits of Partnering With the Best Software Development Company

Collaborating with the reputed software development company is always a worthwhile decision for your business as they work as an extension to your own business. Still, here are the few major benefits and reasons that help you understand, why outsourcing an app development team is the best decision:

  • On-Time Product Delivery: Time is an important factor when you are investing in app development. Launching your app at the right time with the right features and functionalities can ensure you success and help you expand your business to the next level. And the professional software development companies very well understand this fact, therefore, they always committed to delivering solutions under strict timeframe.
  • Understand Your Business Needs: Instead of following the standard software development methodologies, a software development team always deploy the team of experts to evaluate the app development idea. After analysing, they ensure the best possible combination of skills and experience to meet the expectations of the clients and offer industry-best solutions.
  • Reduce Development Cost: When it comes to calculating the software development cost, the calculations are always bases on the number of hours developers spent on creating the app. And as compared to the in-house development team, an outsourced development company can ensure the delivery of the product in fewer development hours.
  • Bringing Best Creativity to the Project: Since app development companies are handling multiple projects in various domains, therefore they have better app development ideas to share. Moreover, they have a team of experts that contributes individually to the common goal.

To wrap up these benefits, it is safe to say that hiring a software developer is a sensible decision and they can ensure you an unmatched product quality at the budget-friendly price. Now the most pressing question is, how to find the best Android app development company or app development team?

With thousands of software development companies available to serve you, finding and hiring the best one is a never-wrecking task for the enterprises. If you ask anybody about the simple mantra of hiring a skilled development team, then 95% of people may suggest you to hire an app developer that has the best coding skills. But the reality is coding is not everything, there are many more things that you need to look for.

This blog is a complete guide for hiring best app developers and helps you learn where to look for software developers, how to evaluate them and what mistakes you should avoid while hiring a development team.

So, here we get started with the step-by-step guide to hire the best software development team for your next project. We have categorized the hiring process into 3 major stages to help you understand the process in an easy way:

  • How to Hire a Development Team?
  • How To Evaluate The Development Team?
  • What Mistakes do you Need to Avoid?

A Complete Guide to Hire the Best Software Development Company

Stage 1: How To Hire the Best Software Development Team?

1. Understanding Your Business Requirements

Before you reach out to the market and start hunting for the best app development team, it is worth understanding what exactly you need for your business.

These are the few questions that help you frame out your business needs:

  • What kind of software are you trying to develop?
  • To whom you need to target?
  • What type of technologies do you need to integrate into the app?
  • How much can you spend on the app?

Based on the answer to these above questions, you need to know what kind of software development you are looking to hire:

There are three major categories of app development companies, including:

  • Onshore Development company: It means, you can hire the software developers from the same country where you are located. Onshore companies are known for the higher quality solutions but they cost you higher as they typically assign a dedicated project manager with the complete development team of UX/UI designer, tester, backend/frontend developer, and more. In the US, their hiring price can be starting from $115 to $200 per hour, and usually ideal for the growing companies with the design and development budget of $150k+.
  • Offshore Development Company: Hiring a software development company from another country that works at a different time zone. They cost you far less than the onshore development team, but they need detailed product requirements and may deploy the large team of developers to handle the complexity of the project. The hiring cost of the offshore developers varies from region to region but you can expect to pay $15 to $30 per hour.
  • Nearshore development company: Appointing the development team from the neighbouring country. It is pricer than the offshore development companies but they work on same time zones and can offer better coding quality and are able to meet the larger project timelines. The cost of hiring the nearshore development teams can be starting from $25 to $50 per hour.

2. Searching and Shortlisting the Best Software Development Teams

Once you are done with what category of the software development team you need to hire, then it’s time to hunt for the best-performing companies. So here are the few ways that you can try to shortlist the names of the best performing development companies:

  • Consider Recommendations: Word-of-mouth is one of the most reliable ways to determine the authenticity of the company. In recent studies, it is revealed that 64% of companies believe that word-of-mouth is the most effective way to hire the marketing team. But, don’t forget to evaluate the team even if it is recommended by your friend. Since everyone has their own development needs, it is not necessary that the team that fits your friend’s needs may also perfectly fit your needs.
  • Search on Google: It is one of the most simple and easy ways to get the list of top app development companies. With a single click, you will get a reference to thousands of companies. So make sure you search for a very specific term while using Google Searches to get the best suggestions. For example, if you are looking for the iOS development team, then search the term “iOS Development Company”.

Both of these methods are commonly used for hiring the software development company, but if you are not filtering the company carefully, then you might end up with an incompetent team.

Stage 2: How To Evaluate the Software Development Company?

1. Understanding The Diverse Profile of the Company

Not every company is skilled in everything. Each company has their own set of skills and story, so initiate the communication by discussing each other’s business backgrounds and goals. This will help you understand the roots of the development company and provide you with an overview of how they carried out their development projects.

After that start discussing your project needs and make them understand what features and functionalities you are expecting in your app. But a reputed and reliable software development firm will start providing the feedback and recommendation from the very first meeting, instead of getting totally agreed upon your ideas.

2: Determining the Technical Skills and Industry Experience

The reputation of the company is in one place, and practical experience is in another place. Technical knowledge and industry experience are quite important in the overall app development project.

So before just checking the total years of experience, it is crucial to check whether they have ever handled the same app development project similar to yours. Do they have any experience of working on the projects having a similar complexity as yours?

Their past works and present portfolio will help you evaluate their skillset and technical expertise. And it is recommended to hire the team of developers experienced in handling projects from different industry verticals. The developers work on different platforms, will have a broader horizon of technical skills and frameworks.

3. Understand Their Level of Commitment

When it comes to testing their level of commitment, you need to make sure what methodologies they integrate? What measures do they take to keep your app idea secure with them? Evaluate the pricing of the project and quality to get the perfect value for money. Also, it is important to check their customer satisfaction level policy, whether they have money-back guarantee if the client is not happy with the final product?

4. How They Communicate?

Communication is one of the most important factors to consider in the development process. Lack of communication in the development process can lead to delays in the project delivery and also incur the additional expenses to the budget.

So, for adequate communication, there are two most important things that you need to look for. First, get yourself a development team that can understand and speak fluent English to have a proper, healthy and lengthy discussion with you.

Secondly, look for the development company that integrates proper communication procedures. Usually, when you collaborate with the reputed development firm, they assign you a complete development team including, project manager, backend/frontend developer, UX/UI designer, quality analyst and more. The best part about collaborating with the development company is, you won’t need to communicate with the entire team. The only contact person will be the assigned project manager.

But make sure they provide a weekly project progress report and are able to communicate with the client via chats, email, or skype call.

Stage 3: Mistakes to Avoid While Hiring the Best Software Development Company

  1. No matter how technically proficient the team is, always avoid hiring the team that fails to explain their thoughts in a clear manner. In that case, you will need to constantly communicate with the team and have to explain every single point multiple times which may increase the frustration level and affect the project in the long run.
  2. It is a bad decision to hire a software development company that follow the one-standard development strategy for all projects. To begin any project, it is important to carry out proper research to integrate the best possible development strategy.
  3. Never fall for the cheaper pricing! While it’s tempting to hire the development team at the lowest bid, sometimes they may surprise you with the hidden price.

Stage 4: Hire The Best Software Development Team

After you deeply analysed and followed the steps to hire the software development team, it’s time to finally make up your mind for the final decision.

Here are the quick tips to hire the top coders for your app development project:

  • Shortlist and pen down all the top coders on the paper, as it makes it easier for you to quickly evaluate the service providers as per your development needs.
  • Don’t rush to jump on the conclusion! Before making a final decision, it is worth asking some valuable questions to determine whether the company is a good fit for your project or not.
  • Once you are satisfied with the discussion, then jump on the pricing and evaluate the balance between the costing and quality they are offering to the clients.


Finding the best software development company is one of the most challenging tasks especially for startups and enterprises. But, hopefully, this complete guide will help you understand what important points you need to consider and evaluate while hiring software developers for your project. Usually, the cost to hire best app developers is starting from $25 per hour depending upon the complexity of the project and requirements. However, again it can be vary depending on a number of factors.

So in case, if you have any doubt about hiring the software developers, then it is recommended to get in touch with the experts or drop your query in the comment box below.



Karen Cartar
Software, Web, Mobile App Development Articles

Passionate Blogger | Business Strategies | Tech Writer. Write on trending technologies like Blockchain, IoT, AI, AR, VR, Machine Learning, Data Science