Bots as the New Trending Topic

SoftwareDevTools: The Publications
2 min readMar 12, 2018

It’s 2018 and we are living in the age of technology, and at SoftwareDevTools, nothing makes us more excited. Whether it inspires us to create a stand-up bot or a tool for the pomodoro technique , we’re here for everything and anything that involves the creation of new projects. Technology not only is everywhere we go but most of the people we interact with will be in contact with it and have updates on the products they interact with the most. On the regular, these products will be apps.

Apps are the platform where most time is spent for digital media users, yet according to comScore’s 2017 US Mobile Apps Report , the majority of US consumers download zero apps per month. Long gone is the dream of creating a new app with millions of downloads that Facebook would try to snatch. According to this same report, Americans spend most of the time using three apps and half in just one.

And what do these popular apps have in common? They’re all messaging apps.

We are in constant communication through apps like Slack, Stride, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Kik and Skype, and because of this, they’re now growing their platforms and allowing more and more tools to make them more efficient and engaging. Things are constantly changing, so we need to find ways to stay updated and on the loop with the things that are relevant to us.

In this era of innovation, having features on a messaging app such as GIF browsers, stickers or even voice notes are important to provide an engaging user experience. One of the emerging tools that are rising in popularity for those apps are bots.

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