Growing your sales with Pipedrive and phone system integration

Krist Fischer
Published in
8 min readMar 18, 2020

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With new products, services, and software being introduced every day, it’s been increasingly difficult to grab customers’ attention and keep improving sales results in the long run. In such circumstances, companies tend to put a stronger focus on their sales team. Is it the only thing that can be done nowadays, though?

It’s no secret that the effectiveness of your sales team affects the overall performance of your business — but rumor has it that customer experience is expected to soon overtake product and price as the main driver behind consumers’ purchasing decisions. In fact, customer service & experience might already have a strong impact on your bottom line, whether you like it or not.

Actually, when you think about it: It’s both sales and customer support reps who create the overall experience that every potential and existing customer has with the company. If both teams are encouraged to do their best, the profits are likely to reflect that.

What steps you should take to boost your sales results, then?

1. Always get in touch with prospects as soon as possible

By getting in touch with leads within an hour, sales reps are even seven times more likely to have meaningful conversations than those who wait longer than that. And the results only get better the shorter you take to contact the potential customers.

What does it mean for your team? Basically, your sales reps shouldn’t wait too long before making a move. In fact, the more they make your prospects wait, the less interested these prospects will be. However, “getting in touch” also means that your agents have to be ready to engage in meaningful conversations.

Since 85% of prospects and customers are dissatisfied with their experience over the phone, it doesn’t seem difficult to disappoint them. Make sure that your sales agents are always prepared for all the calls (you might even want them to have a cold calling script handy), they pay attention to their interlocutors and can identify the most common objections, requests, and issues during the calls. This will not only help you sell more effectively but also improve your customer service in the process.

2. Focus on the existing customers every once in a while

While we’re on the subject of customer retention — did you know that, on average, it’s about 5x more expensive to acquire new customers than it is to retain and continue providing value to your existing ones? In fact, increasing customer retention even by 5% can boost profits by 25%–90%.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should stop growing your customer base. But, if you’re planning to introduce new features and offers, you might as well invite your loyal customers to take advantage of them for a limited time, before anyone else does. Try to make them feel special — this often results in their willingness to do business with you on a regular basis. Especially if you already have an established relationship with them.

Not to mention that “limited offers” also help you create a sense of urgency — most customers, no matter if prospective or existing, don’t buy until the last possible moment. By offering special deals, you make them realize why it makes sense to buy right now — and this often proves to be a good enough incentive.

3. Offer outstanding customer experience

If you’re still sceptical about the power of customer experience — take into account that 55% of customers are willing to spend more money with a company that guarantees them a satisfying experience. Pretty impressive, right?

And there’s more. 70% of buying experiences are actually based on how the customer feels they are being treated. Generally speaking, satisfied customers are much more likely to engage with your company, and spend more than new customers once they’re at it — which is why focusing on retaining your customers and offering them proper experience continuously is likely to pay off. Especially since loyalty is said to translate into higher customer lifetime value.

4. Equip your sales & customer support reps with proper tools

Let’s face it: all of the above-mentioned actions are difficult to take without the right SaaS tools. Therefore, if you truly want to boost your sales, you should equip your team with dedicated software first.

At the very least, you should have a powerful CRM in place. Its purpose is to organize and manage all customer information, activities and conversations, which helps to close deals and serve your customers better. And the best part? It can easily be integrated with plenty of other tools to improve the performance of your sales & customer support teams and foster customer retention at the same time.

By integrating your CRM with a phone system, for example, you can have all the important details in one place (and synchronized in real-time), get more insights about your callers, and make calls directly from your CRM — which should boost the performance of your team and speed up the cold calling process.

Moreover, the synchronization helps you to keep customer data consistent and up-to-date between the systems so that the sales agents are always well informed and able to make data-driven decisions as fast as possible. What’s not to like about it?

For that reason, if you’re already using a powerful CRM like Pipedrive (which you definitely should be doing) — it might be high time to integrate it with a call center software.

What top phone systems are on the market?

There are many call center software options on the market, but when choosing the best one for your needs — always consider at least these few factors:

· What call center features do you need for your sales team?

· What integrations do you need?

· What is your budget?

When having these answers in mind, you can start searching for the most suitable option. Once you’re at it, you might want to check review sites like G2crowd or Capterra to see what are the most favoured tools by other users.


Here are several popular phone software solutions:

1. CloudTalk

Rating: 4.7/5 (106 reviews from Capterra)

Pricing: Starts from $15.00/month/user

Features + integrations: 40+ features and 25+ integrations with popular CRM, Helpdesk, eCommerce systems

2. Aircall

Rating: 4.2/5 (240 reviews from G2)

Pricing: starts from $30.00/month/user (min. 3 users)

Features + integrations: 50+ features and 50+ integrations

3. Talkdesk

Rating: 4.4/5 (1031 reviews from G2)

Pricing: Contact Talkdesk support for more information

Features + integrations: Contact Talkdesk support for more information

4. Toky

Rating: 4.3/5 (65 reviews from Capterra)

Pricing: starting from $20.00/month/user (min. 3 users)

Features + integrations: 30+ features and 15+ integrations

Once you decide which phone system you’re going to choose, it’s time to integrate it. Here’s an example of CloudTalk + Pipedrive integration to give you a full picture.

Why should you choose Pipedrive + CloudTalk integration?

When you decide for CloudTalk + Pipedrive integration, there are several business opportunities you can discover — especially since CloudTalk happens to be one of the best-rated apps you can integrate with Pipedrive.

#1 Boost your sales results with useful call center features

CloudTalk offers 40+ useful features, which allows your team to work more efficiently. For instance, with a click-to-call feature, sales agents will be able to make calls directly from Pipedrive, which will speed up the whole sales process. Other useful features are Smart Dialer, Predictive Dialer, and Power Dialer can increase the efficiency and the number of calls your agents make.

#2 Stop performing time-consuming, manual tasks

By integrating your phone system with proper CRM, you will have all the important details in one place and synchronized in real-time, including missed calls and voicemails. This basically means that you can automate manual tasks, such as searching for the necessary information in multiple databases, or updating and entering data by hand. CloudTalk also synchronizes notes, tags, contact and communications history in real-time.

#3 Take full advantage of LeadBooster

Give Pipedrive’s LeadBooster a try — it’s a conversational chatbot that helps businesses to automatically qualify leads and schedule calls, which then can be made directly from the tool, thanks to the CloudTalk integration.

#4 Have more meaningful conversations

Being able to access comprehensive and updated data at all times lets your sales reps make their interactions with customers and prospects more personalized and relevant, and have the right context to close the deal. Pipedrive + CloudTalk integration allows you to see all the relevant caller’s information (including all past Pipedrive activities) even before picking up the phone.

#5 Taking advantage of data analytics

CloudTalk automatically logs all the important calling data to your Pipedrive account, so you can easily access and analyze the available data to make better business decisions. Moreover, features like Call history or Call statistics can be used to see what is the agents’ performance, customer satisfaction, and plenty of other indicators.

Boost your sales with CRM + phone system integration

47% of high-performing sales organizations have already recognized the need for automating their processes — streamlining proposals, contracts, phone calls, and quoting, just to name a few. Having a CRM becomes an absolute minimum in order to streamline your sales process, and maintain the highest standards of customer & sales support.

Luckily, if you’re using a powerful CRM like Pipedrive, you can easily leverage the CloudTalk integration and take the performance of your team to the next level. In fact, Pipedrive-CloudTalk integration takes seconds, and there’s no need for programming. It is fully customizable, so you can choose which data are synchronized based on your business needs and increase efficiency. Enjoy boosting your sales!

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Krist Fischer

Writing about Marketing + Project Management + Company Culture