Pipedrive implementation at TGL Poland. A step-by-step breakdown.

Aneta Szotek
Published in
7 min readJul 10, 2020

“We ordered the implementation of CRM in our company. Guys from pickSaaS did it well. They are very helpful and solution objective. They provide a very professional service with great final training. So my team understood well the application just like they understood our needs. Well done, great job.”

Patryk Cieśluk, TGL Poland

TGL Poland is a manufacturer of advertising materials and promotional items. While located in Poznań, they act on the global market and are one of the biggest manufacturers of lanyards in the world.

Their sales process is fast, yet highly personalized as their job is partly about printing the client’s logos or graphics on promotional materials.


When we met the TGL team, their entire sales process was managed manually. The need for automation was an urgent issue. They were searching for a CRM solution that would be easy to integrate with other systems they use. TGL also planned to start an e-commerce activity, so the solution needed to be easy to integrate with an online store.

With pickSaaS, TGL implemented an efficient CRM system that suited their business needs and their manufacturing process. They also improved communication between their team members and their clients. They automated a huge part of their daily work and saved time on manual tasks that were the standard procedure before.

How did they achieve these results? Let’s take a look at the implementation process and how these results were possible with the help of the pickSaaS consultants.

How things were at TGL Poland before the CRM implementation

The TGL team wanted to change how they manage their sales process and contact their clients. Before implementing the right CRM, TGL used several systems to store data related to customers and their purchases. It was difficult to manage the sales process as all the details were scattered across multiple data sources. Closing a deal required too much manual work.

It was also hard to monitor the sales team’s goals and performance. There was no easy way to set up targets and analyze the results at the company level.

The sales team used to send emails to clients directly from their own mailboxes. They didn’t have ready-to-use templates. The team needed to copy-paste a lot of information from different sources.

The communication between marketing and sales wasn’t ideal. The teams didn’t have a simple way to check current deals and their stages. The teams don’t share the same working space, so every question resulted in a long sequence of messages or in-person meetings.

TGL used Gestor and Symfonia ERP to manage their resources and production. However, the systems weren’t connected with one another in any way. The process of finding the right information was then tedious and time-consuming. TGL wanted to have all data in one system.

The sales process in TGL is quite fast. There’s a request, an offer, and typically a quick decision. They needed a CRM that would manage these dynamics.

The implementation time was one of the crucial factors for TGL. They needed the solution to be implemented fast and in an efficient way. After an initial call with the pickSaaS consultants, the plan was ready within two days. The entire implementation process lasted over a month.

During that time, the pickSaaS team implemented solutions that changed the way TGL works on a day-to-day basis. We also provided comprehensive training for everyone who was about to start using the system.

How we helped TGL solve their software problems

How did we approach the implementation? We followed a process that matched TGL’s needs and responded to all the issues they highlighted.

Our implementation framework

Step 1: Choose the right CRM

The first thing to do was to decide which CRM would be the best for TGL Poland. On the market, there are many options, and choosing the best one requires extensive research.

Together with TGL, we figured out the most important functionalities their perfect CRM should have. After analyzing TGL’s needs and plans for the future, we decided to go with Pipedrive. It was a great choice for TGL because it allowed advanced customization options.

TGL uses Pipedrive for both the sales process and the manufacturing process. With separate funnels, they are able to track progress at every stage of the deal. The manufacturing part involves input from the graphic designer who can update the design stage of the project in Pipedrive.

Deal view in Pipedrive

TGL has now all their deals structured, and their sales funnel mapped out. They are also able to send emails directly from the CRM, so their messages and always contextual. It’s easy to find all the details related to customers. All conversations with the customer are in one system.

The team members can get assigned to deals and everyone is well informed about who takes care of which tasks. Pipedrive is also connected to TGL’s website and deals are created automatically. With smart reporting and deal management, the team can track sales activities and optimize their workflows.

Step 2: Structure all the relevant data

At TGL, orders, contact details, emails, product information used to be stored in different places. Sometimes the data didn’t match the corresponding entry in the systems.

The main challenge was to aggregate the data from multiple sources, create a structure, and upload it into Pipedrive. We migrated entries and synchronized all data.

Structuring the database

Having all details in one place saves a lot of time. The TGL team can access full information about the client, their orders, and the current deal status. It also enables more contextual and personal communication with clients.

Step 3: Swap Skype for Slack

The TGL team switched from Skype to Slack. The most important reason was to implement better reporting and automation in the sales process. With Slack integration, all crucial updates immediately show up as Slack messages.

Important updates show up as Slack messages

Additionally, Slack helped the TGL team improve their internal communication. They can now create threads and channels to discuss specific projects.

Step 4: Add LiveChat on the website

The next step was to set up a live chat on TGL’s website. This way, the team can easily connect with website visitors. It makes the sales process more dynamic as conversations happen in real-time. PickSaaS helped TGL choose the right live chat solution and supported the implementation and the integration process.

LiveChat is integrated with Pipedrive, so all conversations are stored in one place. The sales team can easily access them from the main dashboard.

Step 5: Connect Pipedrive with marketing tools

The marketing team needed access to the CRM system to better understand their target audience. We integrated Pipedrive with two marketing tools: Outfunnel and Mailchimp.

The marketing specialists can now add contacts from Pipedrive to the newsletter. The integration also enables them to explore more detailed analytics based on clicks and user activity. The marketing team can also create deals that the sales team moves on to the next stage.

Step 6: Provide on-site training

Apart from the ongoing support during the implementation, we organized live training for TGL at their headquarters.

Implementing the right technology is one thing. The other is to explain how to use it to make it work for the team. The software simplifies the work and supports people in their daily tasks. The goal is to save our precious time and improve productivity.

On-site training with TGL Poland

We met with 20 team members that started using Pipedrive for their daily work. We explained how to use the system with practical examples. Everyone was able to ask questions and check how the setup works on their accounts. After the initial training, we stayed in touch with the team to solve all additional questions and make sure that they know how to proceed from there.

How workflows at TGL Poland improved

The most rewarding part of any implementation process is to see the system in action and observe how it improves the team’s daily work. At TGL, we could see the tangible improvements that were achieved thanks to the Pipedrive implementation and additional integrations.

With Pipedrive, TGL can access all of their customer data in one place. They don’t need to switch between multiple systems to manage their sales process. All the essential details are available and easy to find. With Slack integration, they are always up-to-date with the deal statuses.

TGL can easily track sales and the manufacturing process in one system. Having all data connected saves them a lot of time every day.

The sales team can send emails to customers directly from Pipedrive. They don’t need to switch between their mailbox and other systems. All data is contextual and neatly structured in Pipedrive. The team can also use templates and track if their client opened their email.

Implementing a CRM also resulted in improved internal communication. The marketing and sales teams are always up to date with client activity. Better software choices improve communication and optimize the processes.

“My team understood the application just like pickSaaS understood our needs.”

Patryk Cieśluk, TGL Poland

With the right assistance, introducing new software to your company can be easy and bring multiple benefits. Choosing the right CRM can transform the way your company operates. At pickSaaS, we take time to really understand our clients’ businesses. And, most importantly, we’re always there to support you along the way.

