Ultimate Employee Monitoring Software for your Business

Hothal Patel
Published in
7 min readNov 14, 2018

Everything is going great for your company, right?

Employees are hard working, and you have all resources at your disposal, but do you still feel that the productivity is not up to the mark? Do you want to know who your best employee is? Or how to utilize your resources and data to its optimum capacity?

If your answer to all of the above questions is a yes, then you need something that can help you determine how efficiently your employees are working, something that will help your management make decisions that benefit your company.

Let’s check out some facts, shall we?

  • The Ponemon Institute, 2018 Cost of Insider Threats: Global Organizations reveals the average cost of insider threats globally over the past 12 months was $8.76 million.
  • The enormity of potential productivity losses, as reported by Court (2004), is approximately one million dollars annually for a company with 500 employees surfing the Internet for just a half hour a day.
  • 30 to 40 percent of employee Internet activity is non-work-related, according to IDC Research.
  • 70 percent of all Internet porn traffic occurs during the 9-to-5 workday, according to SexTracker.
  • 28 percent of individuals making gift purchases do so from their offices or cubicles, according to Pew Internet and American Life Project.

What a shocker! Don’t want this happening in your organization? Then, the best decision would be to invest in an Employee Monitoring System.

Imagine having all your employees’ productivity reports organized in an easy to read format in a single system just one click away. Information regarding all activities that take place on monitored workstations can be viewed on one central dashboard. This centralized information is your key to achieve the goals you have set for your business. It is important to have performance optimization of the workforce in an organization because it helps to utilize the company resources more effectively and create a healthy work environment.

This article will outline what an employee monitoring system is, its benefits and how it can help your business achieve better workforce management, increase operational efficiency, and help you protect your organization from insider threats.

For instance, installing the ActivTrak agent to your employee’s computer gives you the ability to monitor the activities of your employees and provides tools to mitigate unwanted actions in real time. It works in stealth mode and provides the employer with unbiased information about how their employees spend their office time and resources.

ActivTrak also provides unparalleled flexibility by way of the configuration of the product and settings. For example, alarm settings allow you to take screenshots for some, but not others. We let you choose what kind of deployment you want (public cloud, hybrid cloud or on-prem). We also let you decide what region of the world your database resides.

Why should you focus on Workforce Management?

With flexibility in the work environment, managing the workforce is more critical than ever. Flexible work hours and work-from-home make it challenging to keep track of the employee activities. Optimization of employee productivity is crucial for the organization to run smoothly. Workforce management takes care of the above issues. It provides the employer with relevant data to make informed decisions.

The most successful organizations are transparent and strive to achieve an open environment. Admin or the manager cannot be present everywhere at all times. This is where ActivTrak can help you out. It provides you with a detailed activity log which has a record of every activity performed on your workstations. With our help, employers can enforce company policies which help them to implement the company regulations and keep track of it effortlessly.

The monitoring adds clear communication within the organization. The manager doesn’t have to be dependent on anyone else to get the information. All information is direct and unbiased. With this data, the organization can effectively enforce company policies.

How can you improve Operational Efficiency in your organization?

Operational efficiency essentially helps you to do more with less.

All processes, employees, and technologies cost money to any organization, and it is crucial to have information about their utilization. The key is to get productive output for your investment.

You can’t improve what you don’t measure.

Irrespective of the location, you can know the activities taking place on your monitored workstations. ActivTrak is an invisible agent. It just works silently in the background and provides you with all information right there on your computer screen, and doesn’t show up in task manager. Transparency and efficiency go hand in hand with ActivTrak. By providing you with unbiased data and granular reporting, it creates increased company transparency. You can measure your employee’s real potential and work abilities through the reports. This helps you to assign tasks according to the employee’s capability, which in turn leads to an increase in work productivity.

The employer gets complete access to data which helps to improve the operational efficiency. You can take all the data collected by our agent and can export or integrate it with Raw Data Access. All of this data can be sorted and filtered to include every monitored device or only the ones that matter.

As soon as you log into your ActivTrak account, you will be able to see the latest productivity report and quick stats showing the productive and unproductive time spent. This information helps contribute to maintaining a productive workflow. Recent Screenshots allow you a glance at what is happening on the screen of a monitored workstation.

You also have access to the top websites and applications that your employee visited and the amount of time spent on it. Real-time activities for each user are also displayed on the dashboard.

Organizations always have licensed programs and applications. There might be a situation where not all of your employees are using a particular software. In such cases, with the help of ActivTrak, you could track the usage and eliminate one or more licenses, saving money for the organization.

Why is protection against Insider Threat a necessity?

In most cases, the perimeter of security inside the premises of any organization starts with the people within it, whether it is a physical or web-based organization, you trust your employees, which creates an inherent vulnerability. This gives a clear way to three types of insider threats:

  • negligent or careless employees, vendors or contractors
  • criminal or malicious insiders
  • credential thieves

No matter how hard you try to secure the organization, there is always a vulnerability. The employees become victims of phishing, theft or inviting malware into the system at any time. Spam email or infected external storage is more than often the cause for it. This leads to data being compromised by the employee unknowingly.

Data can also be compromised when a terminated employee takes data with them or has access to it even after termination. They can use it for revenge, sell it to a competitor or use for their advantage. Whatever the purpose, it leads the organization straight to a loss.

It is essential to have insider threat detection or User Behavior Analytics in your security stack because insider threats are difficult to stop and costs the company millions of dollars annually. In most of the cases, the intruder is a former or current employee, business partner or someone related to the company who has or had to access to company’s network and sensitive information. Also, in some cases, it takes years before the breach is detected.

Many times its difficult to prove the employee’s actions because it could be an honest mistake or it is difficult to detect as a tech-savvy employee will know how to cover their tracks.

ActivTrak’s alarms and website blocking features will notify yourself or others of any unwanted activity. The feature also extends as far as blocking unwanted or malicious applications and websites before anything can be performed on it. It triggers the alarm if someone tries to access such content

This feature protects the company’s system from both internal and external threats. Screenshots and activity data provides information, which can be further used to take necessary steps against the intruder.

ActivTrak is called the “friendly employee monitoring software” for a reason. Our software does not capture keystrokes. This provides peace of mind that login credentials and personal information of your employees are protected.

ActivTrak is easy to use and takes just a few steps to set up and get going. On top of gathering and maintaining a rich database of all activities, it also allows for any or all user screens or data to be displayed on one screen at the same time.

The primary reason for employee monitoring is to track employee performance, protect the company’s trade secrets and secure the organization from insider threats. If done well, it will supercharge your business and increase productivity.

Give the future of your business a chance.

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Hothal Patel

Social Media and Content Marketer| Part of the Marketing Team @ activtrak.com