Do you have the votes?

Love as a Business Strategy
2 min readMar 3, 2020

It’s Super Tuesday in the United States and no matter how you identify politically, the country is inundated with the question: Who is best to lead?

This same question is being asked daily in workplaces across the country. Most leaders did not receive a majority vote into their positions, nor is there an election that holds them accountable every few years. But, for the sake of discussion, if there was an election today, would you get the votes?

Here are four ways to measure if your team would re-elect you today:

1. They challenge you

Being a leader doesn’t mean you are always right. Having a team that challenges you when appropriate to ensure clarity, success and alignment is a sign that your team is rallying behind you.

2. They take risks

Scared employees hurt business. Calculated risks allow the team and the business to grow, along with the ability to learn from mistakes. If your team is using creativity, resources and new ideas to move the business forward, it can signal a healthy leadership style.

3. They trust you

When your actions consistently line up to your promises, your team will follow your lead — even when there is ambiguity or a little healthy chaos. Ultimately, they know you have their best interest in mind and will do what’s best for everyone in the long run.

4. They show accountability

Where there is strong leadership, there is accountability at all levels. Employees who have strong leaders show accountability and hold others accountable to maintain a positive culture and to ensure success for the business.

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