Quantum computing: A journey into the future

Softweb Solutions Inc
Softweb Solutions Inc.
5 min readFeb 22, 2024

Quantum computing represents a revolutionary approach to problem-solving, utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics at the atomic level. Unlike classical computers, quantum computing tackles highly complex problems that could otherwise take years to solve.

This cutting-edge technology relies on specialized machines known as quantum computers. Join us as we delve into the world of quantum computing and its transformative potential for computation and problem-solving.

Softweb Solutions is at the forefront of exploring quantum technology, particularly in the realms of AI and ML. As certified partners with AWS, we’re actively engaged in leveraging AWS Bracket, a fully managed quantum computing service. While quantum computers are still in their nascent stages, with numerous real-world applications yet to be fully realized, the potential for transformative business use cases is immense.

Here are some areas where quantum computing can revolutionize various industries

1. Advancing AI and machine learning: Quantum computing can significantly enhance algorithm training for AI and machine learning applications.

2. Accelerating pharmaceutical research: By simulating molecular structures, quantum computing can expedite drug and vaccine discovery processes within the pharmaceutical sector.

3. Strengthening cryptography and security: Quantum key distribution (QKD) can bolster cybersecurity efforts, ensuring secure communication channels.

4. Deepening understanding of the universe and the environment: Quantum computing offers a pathway to gain more precise insights into the behavior of the universe and the environment.

5. Optimizing routes and traffic: Real-time analysis of traffic patterns can lead to optimized transportation routes, thereby reducing costs and carbon emissions.

6. Illuminating DNA non-coding regions: Quantum computing holds promise in unraveling the mysteries of non-coding regions within human DNA, expanding our understanding of genetic mechanisms.

Differences between classical and quantum computers

In today’s classical computers, all data is stored in binary digits, meaning at any given time, the value can be 0 or 1. Computer circuit have a transistor who understands these values, and converts them to electric signals and sends the data.

Quantum computers use quantum bits (QUBITs) to process data. It uses subatomic particles, such as electrons or photons. Qubits enable particles to exist in multiple states simultaneously.

For example:

When we toss a coin, we have the option of landing on heads or tails, just as our classical computers have either a 0 or a 1 value.

Now, when we toss the coin and it’s spinning, it can be in multiple states, known as superposition. This is called Qubit superposition, and it’s the principle behind how a quantum computer operates.

Another example:

If you confine a monkey in a room for a few days, there are two possible states from the outside: alive or dead. This is analogous to classical computers. However, when considering quantum computers, the monkey could be jumping, eating, sleeping, or eating while jumping, and so on. It can exist in multiple states, not just binary states. This is known as quantum superposition.

This Qubit will be in superposition until we observe it. As soon as we observe a quantum particle its superposition will be lost. In our coin example, it can exist in a 0 or 1 state, or in any state that is a linear combination of 0 and 1.

Mathematically, superposition is a linear combination of “0” and “1” and can be written as:

|ψ⟩ = α|0⟩ + β|1⟩

Where |ψ⟩ is the state of the qubit, |0⟩ and |1⟩ are the basis states (or the computational basis states), and α and β are complex numbers called probability amplitudes. The probability amplitudes determine the probability of measuring the Qubit in each state when a measurement is made.

Single Qubit may not be that much useful, but if we have two Qubits it could be in the below four combinations at the same time.

Same for 3 Qubits, it could be in 8 combinations at the same time.

This is exponential growth.

Principles of quantum computing


This is the core principle of quantum mechanics. In the quantum computer all atoms are entangled with each other with information flowing between them which increases their power. If one person’s position changes, the other is immediately affected.


The slightest vibrations can impact Qubits used for calculations. Decoherence refers to the loss of quantum state in a Qubit, which can be caused by factors such as temperature, radiation, or even slight noise from nearby sources.

To maintain coherent atom vibrations, the quantum computer must be cooled to temperatures near absolute zero, which is approximately -460 ℉ or -273 ℃. The visible pipes are specifically designed for cooling purposes.

Some challenges in the adoption and usage of quantum computing:

1. Cost and accessibility: The expense and limited accessibility of quantum computing infrastructure pose significant barriers to widespread adoption.

2. Error correction: Maintaining data integrity and reliability in quantum systems requires advanced error correction mechanisms to address inherent errors.

3. Complexity barriers: Quantum computing’s intricate concepts and operations present challenges in programming and utilization for many users and developers.

4. High error rates: Quantum computers often experience high error rates due to environmental interference and decoherence, necessitating effective error mitigation strategies.

Quantum Service Provider








In summary, quantum computing offers incredible potential to speed up scientific progress and revolutionize industries. We believe that within the next decade, quantum computers could replace our current ones. However, there are challenges to overcome, like cost and error correction. Despite these challenges, Softweb Solutions is committed to exploring and overcoming obstacles to unleash the full potential of quantum computing for the benefit of all.

