Volunteering in the UK: Where have all the volunteers gone?

David da Silva
SoGood Partners
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2023
elderly man being shown how to operate a tablet device by a volunteer.

Over the last year, several studies have put into sharp focus a huge problem affecting the charity sector across the UK: there are less and less people giving up their time to volunteer. While 4 million people volunteered during the pandemic, the return to normal work lives has seen a huge drop in volunteer numbers.

The factors at play

The cost of living crisis; digital distractions; and social isolation in modern societies are all significant factors here. But there is also a problem in terms of accessibility and flexibility. The way people actually find opportunities hasn’t evolved much from the 20th century. It’s an inflexible, antiquated process that doesn’t fit in with the way people live in the 21st century.

The digital solution

SoGood is aiming to create a digital national volunteering hub that looks to fix this problem, designed specifically for modern working patterns. It’ll be a resource that enables charities across the country to plug into a pool of motivated, willing and capable volunteers; and let the people eager to find volunteering positions do so in a way that reflects modern lifestyles.

This solution aligns with our drive to bring modern practices and technology to the charity sector — so charities can help more people and have a greater impact.

To find out more, head to our website.



David da Silva
SoGood Partners

I'm interested in affecting digital transformation to make the world a better and more enjoyable place.