Divya Godayal
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2016

When the whole world was talking about love
I was wondering what it is
I loved my parents
I loved my friends too
But this what people talked about was different
I knew not what it is.

The hormones
Within tried to teach
But I was naive to see
What it is.

I just knew I had to wait
Wait for it to happen
When may be the air would feel cooler
and the heart tad warmer.
I was in no hurry
but waiting anxiously at the door
To see love
Cause I knew not what it is.

One day
I couldn’t see it coming
But it felt like a storm
and it was so quick
for me to know what it is.

I don’t know what you feel
I don’t know what others feel too
Each one has a version
Oh yes its abstract, you are right!
and i still don’t know what it is.

I am strong, I am vulnerable
I am hopeful, I am hopeless
I am sweet, I am bitter
I am beautiful , I am ugly
I am together, I am apart
My version of love is changing
All the time.
and I don’t know what it is.

The storm just came
and took everything away
and I loved you
That is the only thing I know !!!

For all who are deeply in love or have literally “FALLEN IN LOVE”.

