End of the Year Updates

Thomas Theakanath
Solace Charities
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2018

Our updates

Though Solace Charities only started operating officially as an IRS approved nonprofit beginning June this year we notched up few impressive wins with your generous help during this short period:

  • Sheeba Ameer, founder of Solace and the evangelist of what Solace sands for, care and support for children with long-term illness, visited majors centers in the U.S. promoting Solace and raising funds totalling $54,000.00.
Volunteers at the Charity Banquet held in Campbell, CA.
  • New chapters were kicked off in Dallas, Boston and Southern California, in addition to the fully operational chapter in San Francisco Bay Area.
  • Newly engaged or continue to receive support from various community organizations in Seattle, Washington D.C. and Tampa.

Your support

Solace Charities’ first year of operations wouldn’t have this successful without your help with donations and volunteer time for organizing various events. Thank you very much for your generosity and please continue to help Solace. We are in for the long haul and your support is very much needed in supporting the needy who rely on Solace.

We would like to remind you of few things before the end of year:

If you have any funds left in your charity budget for this year, please consider donating to Solace Charities:

The donations you did already are eligible for corporate matching programs available at your employer. If you need any supporting documentation please send a note to info@solacecharities.org.

There are also multiple options available to support Solace with very little impact on your pocket book:

  • Solace Charities is run by volunteers and you and your grown up children can help by contributing hours anytime. Please send a note to info@solacecharities.org if you like to sign up for volunteering.
  • Add Solace Charities as your preferred charity at smile.amazon.com.
  • When you plan birthday parties and other events using Evite, setup Solace Charities to receive donations from the guests.

Thanks again for your continued support, and wish you and your family a Happy New Year!

