Tips I’ve learned that improved my coloring. Tips for adult coloring.

Nicole Tholmer
4 min readJun 19, 2024
Tips for adult coloring

I remember when I jumped into the world of adult coloring in 2008/2009. I didn’t know much about laying down colors on a coloring page. As I completed grad school, I remember professors encouraging me to have a hobby that had nothing to do with people that would allow me to decompress from hearing one-sided stories about pain all day.

And I selected coloring.

When I first decided to delve into the world of adult coloring, I thought it would be a simple hobby — a way to unwind after a long day and tap into my creative side.

It is all of that but more.

The Hunt for Supplies

Back then ,adult coloring books weren’t really a thing then and I looked in the usual spaces (Target, Walmart, drug stores) to no avail .As a last ditch effort I searched Michael and scored my first books.I was excited!.

Fun fact! I still have those books and after all these years, there are uncolored pages left.

Tip #1.It is okay if you purchase more books before you have completed one.

My collection of books is small so one would think I could focus and work a book until completion. Nope! I have many unfinished and incomplete books.

Part of the fun of this hobby is building your collection of books, and supplies. Having a wide assortment of books to choose from creates excitement, anticipation and creativity.

This was back before they were popular, there wasn’t much to guide me as far as selecting supplies or what to look for in books. I think I started with a small set of Crayola pencils. When I colored, I’d get frustrated as I wasn’t able to achieve the look I had in my head on paper and eventually I stopped.

Some years past and I am a new mother and therapist , I picked the hobby up again. Just something for me that I could do at home and reasonably priced.

Tip #2 Put in some research, watch a couple of you tube tutorials, or and join coloring groups to learn about the products.

Like I mentioned before, I started my journey with adult coloring a few years before the hobby caught on.
Not all coloring pencils or books are built the same. And not all pencils work best with all books. I learned these facts later on in my journey and wasted a lot of money, thinking buying more supplies would make my pictures better. Testing different brands and types of pencils and markers can be a fun experiment, but it can also be a costly one.

One lesson learned later is that investing in quality supplies can make a world of difference.
Another lesson is that we color differently as adults. In fact it is referred to as laying down color not coloring. As a child, I picked up whatever color my heart desired and scribbled. In adult coloring, we layer, blend and burnish our pages not scribble.

As I gained more experience with adult coloring, I realized there’s more to it than just picking up a pencil and coloring within the lines. Techniques like shading, blending, and layering can elevate your artwork from simple to stunning. Learning these techniques opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me.

I am not an expert by any means, however learning this fact has greatly improved the quality of my work.

Adult coloring is a journey of exploration and improvement. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different shading techniques or blend colors to create unique effects. Watching tutorials and learning from fellow colorists can help you develop your skills and take your coloring to the next level.

Tip #3 Once you select your page, a little forethought will go a long way to creating a satisfying project.

Swatch your color pencils before you start. This is important because the color on the barrel of your pencils will be different from the lead and how it lays down on the paper.

I have plenty of pages I put down and didn’t complete because when I went to start again I could recall what medium I started with.

If you’re planning to color, be prepared to lose track of time. Depending on the design of the page, you might need to set aside a couple of days to finish your project.

Another tip to organizing your project is to plan out your pages and keep a record of the colors you initially chose. One thing that would have helped me is to have swatch my colors before using them. I was frustrated with how my pictures turned out initially because I chose a color based on the color . Keep a list of the colors I am using close to the project or leave out the pencils, pens or markers, so that your project will have a cohesive look.

Many times, I’ve left a page unfinished only to return to it weeks later. Keeping track of the colors and tools I used would have made it much easier to pick up where I left off and maintain consistency in my artwork.

It’s not just about filling in shapes — it’s about immersing yourself in intricate designs, choosing the right color palette and letting your creativity flow. Setting aside dedicated time for coloring can turn it into a peaceful ritual, helping you unwind and recharge.

Adult coloring has become more than just a hobby for me — it’s a fun, therapeutic escape that adds joy to my daily life. These tips and lessons have made my coloring experience even better and helped me grow creatively. Whether you’re new to coloring or a seasoned pro, I hope these insights enhance your journey. Happy coloring!

Have you had similar experiences with adult coloring? Share your thoughts and tips in the comments below. Let’s inspire each other to create beautiful artwork! #AdultColoring #ColoringJourney #ArtisticDiscovery



Nicole Tholmer

Nicole Tholmer, trauma therapist, empowers adults toward emotional wellness and resilience through personalized, compassionate therapy.