Liftoff! Meetups & All-Star Team Additions (July/August Newsletter)

Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2018
SF Solana Meetup — Featuring Brave, Coinbase, Helium, Solana, Open Garden, and Orange SV!

Solana’s community is now over 50,000 strong! For some light reading, we’ve got silky smooth events and writings, and insanely talented new hires to get acquainted with.

Events & Conferences:

Light Reading:

New Hires:

  • Michael Vines: A mythically high-powered engineer from Qualcomm and a successful IoT startup.
  • Hsin-Ju Chuang: The former Head of Growth for Stellar / Lightyear is now our Head of Growth!
  • Jeff Levy: An ops generalist with a successful exit, and a storied career at Twitter and Google. Expert cocktail maker.
  • Pankaj Garg: Pioneered LTE modem chipsets at Motorola and led bleeding edge efforts in Qualcomm’s Innovation Center.
  • Tyera Eulberg: Senior software engineer with mad design skills. Captain of the USA Women’s Underwater Hockey team.


Always check our GitHub for the newest release notes!

  • Solana-wallet, a command-line application to interact with the testnet
  • Solana-drone, a handy little tool to do testnet airdrops so that anyone can play
  • Ubuntu “snap” packages to effortlessly spin up full nodes. Oh Snap!
  • Fullnode deployment to Amazon Web Services and Google Compute Platform
  • Added Windows support
  • Network stability features: 1) Validator bring-up and auto-restart, 2) Block repair messaging, complete with exponential backoff, and 3) Erasure coding for on-the-fly repairs.


  • Fixing any reported problems. Report any issues to the Solana Telegram channel when you test-drive our testnet…get into our GitHub!
  • More nodes. We’re only making use of 2 tiers in our Avalanche architecture. We expect that to be at least 3 tiers by mainnet and with far more nodes at each tier.
  • Laying the groundwork for our generic smart contracts platform. It’s going to be beautiful. We can’t wait to tell you more!


We have a number of exciting announcements that’ll be coming down the pipe. Make sure to join the Solana Telegram channel to stay in the know.

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Want to learn more about Solana?

Check us out on Github and find ways to connect on our community page.



Writer for We are building a high performance, PoH based blockchain.