Proof of History Goes Global

The Solana community has grown to over 50,000 international blockchain enthusiasts all over the world.

2 min readJul 14, 2018


Thank you to everyone who’s joined our community over the last several weeks. We’ve reached over 33k telegram members, 5k Twitter followers, and many tens of thousands have expressed interest in presales.

Check out the spread of our community members on this neat scatter plot Raj whipped up on a weekend! (We can’t get his nose out of the graphs and spreadsheets.)

This represents about 33k people. Many of the dots overlap, maybe Eric can get together a version that’s more heatmap-like. Stay tuned.

Shout out to the Canary Islands! Way to represent.

We’ve come such a long way since we first publicized our whitepaper in January.

What to look forward to next

  • We’ve got a pretty large release coming around the corner. We’ll leave the details to our upcoming newsletter, but think wallets.
  • A full report on our current multinode testnet stats and data. We’re above 250k TPS on the multinode testnet!


Haven’t joined yet?

Check out our community page, where we also have a livestream of our July 19th Crossing the Crypto Chasm event with Helium, Coinbase, Orange, Brave, and Open Garden. We’ll see you there!

Thanks again Solana community! We’re looking forward to the next couple months of milestones that will prove to really evolve the next frontier of blockchain technology.



Writer for We are building a high performance, PoH based blockchain.