Recap: Solana at San Francisco Blockchain Week

Published in
4 min readNov 21, 2018

A rundown of all the awesome crypto events that Solana participated in during SF blockchain week

San Francisco Blockchain Week (SFBW)

In early October, San Francisco and Colorado played host to the global crypto community as thousands of blockchain developers, startups, thought leaders and enthusiasts came together to learn and discuss how blockchain technology will shape the world in coming months and years.

For the first time ever, Solana participated in and hosted quite a few of the events that took place during SFBW and the CU hackathon. The topics ranged from scalability, blockchain security, attack vectors, to discussing the blockchain ecosystem and how to get involved. The team got a chance to share exactly how Solana’s pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with proof of history based blockchain technology — and in turn, learned a ton from fellow enthusiasts in the space.

A Week of Blockchain Learnings

Scalability: Decentralized or High Performance

On Monday, Oct 8th, Solana participated in a panel discussion at SF Blockchain Week with Bonnie Cheung, from 500 Startups, as moderator and a few other influencers and leaders of other scalability projects as panelists.

Bonnie Cheung (500 Startups), Kevin Wang (Nervos), Beniamin Mincu (Elrond Network), Jack O’Holleran (SKALE Labs), Anatoly Yakovenko (Solana)

Together, they discussed the controversial tradeoff between achieving decentralization or high performance and how each project was tackling this — specifically around the necessity of sharding.

State of Scaling — Latest Progress and Challenges

On Wednesday, Oct 10th, Solana participated in another panel that discussed the latest developments and breakthroughs across scaling solutions in the blockchain space. Anatoly, as well as Noah, Mo and Illia got to talk about their separate projects, the challenges they’re facing today and what milestones they’re reaching for in the next twelve months.

Bonnie Cheung (500 Startups), Noah Johnson (Oasis Labs), Anatoly Yakovenko (Solana), Mo Dong (Celer Network), Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol)

Waffles & Mimosas with the CEOs of Solana, Civic, and Brave

Brendan Eich (Brave) , Vinny Lingham (Civic) , and Anatoly Yakovenko (Solana) discuss their thoughts on the future of blockchain

On Tuesday morning, Solana teamed up with Civic and Brave to participate in a pretty neat discussion (over waffles and mimosas) about the future of blockchain technology and their thoughts on key insights and learnings about blockchain trends.

Check out the full video of the discussion here:

Hacking The Blockchain: Attacks & Security

Then, after munching on a grand blockchain brunch, Solana CEO, Anatoly Yakovenko took to the podium later that afternoon to discuss attack vectors and security issues that affect blockchain and decentralized application development.

Anatoly Yakovenko discusses attacks and security in blockchain development

You can read more about it and get the full transcript here.

CU Blockchain Summit & Hackathon

The following week, Solana hit the road to attend the Fall 2018 CU Blockchain Summit, hosted by CU Blockchain for Colorado students and professionals interested in blockchain technology. The summit featured panels with industry experts, networking with blockchain companies, and connections with other innovators on campus.

On Oct 13th, Greg Fitzgerald, Solana’s CTO, spoke on two panels discussing blockchain in business and how to get involved in the blockchain ecosystem.

Panel: Blockchain for business

Along with other key influencers, Greg discussed topics ranging from the usefulness of blockchain solutions, integration of blockchain solutions for enterprises and the implications for consumers and communities down the line.

Panel: Getting involved in the blockchain ecosystem

In this panel, Greg and his fellow panelists discussed their own transitions into the world of blockchain, the many possible ways to get involved no matter one’s skillset and background, and the various resources and steps someone could use or take toward learning more about blockchain development.

Overall, it was an enlightening and fruitful week full of sharing, learning and building new connections.

Any topics above strike your fancy? If you see topics you want to discuss further, join our telegram and join the conversation.

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Solana is a high performance blockchain that uses a concept called Proof of History to achieve a cryptographically secure and trustless time source.

Want to learn more?

Check us out on Github and find ways to connect on our community page.



Writer for We are building a high performance, PoH based blockchain.