Sola Weekly #8 | 12–16 March

Lena Arkhipova
4 min readMar 16, 2018


Sola was always a window to the world and an excellent opportunity to tell things you want to say. Though, there is a little difference between “tell anything” and “tell anything meaningful.” We can get “anything” anywhere. But we want it to be worth something for us, to know something unexpected, learn, and inspire. We have the whole internet for random fun stuff; we do not have the place for the random things to learn.

Sola is not only a social network but a media. And all the steps we do, we do to move in that direction.

This week, work was concentrated on Topics. The update will follow soon. The design work for the new Web and Public API interface is finished. The development has already started.

Product and Marketing

Topics will be released soon. We want to remind you what it is and why is it a significant step forward for us.

Topics will allow the quality content to stand out and the expertise to be rewarded and noticed. As a creator, you’d be able to show and boost your knowledge in a specific field. As a reader, you get more opportunity for fine tuning your preferences and interests and see best.

There are two types of Topics — Basic Topics (set up by Sola), and User Topics (can be created by users, work as tags). We’ll start with three Basic topics, which are Crypto, Tech, and Science. Please tell us if you think anything else should also be added.

When you add Topic to a relevant card, you participate in Pro content creators program. If you’re doing great, you can get spread bonuses and a badge.

Pro content creator program conditions, Spread boosters on the open card, Renewed profile with badges

The design on the new Web interface is also finished and development has started. Partly, we showed you the interfaces at our Sola Weekly #7 report. Here are a bit more.

Tell us, do you use the Web version now, and whether there is any functionality you miss?

Spread boosters at opened card, Search by Topic

This week we gave you a look inside to the office space we recently moved in. If you wonder where Sola creates, here, you can see it.


We love the cards you create. And our favorite account this week is For 91 Days. For 7 years already, guys are traveling the world and stay in some place for 91 days at a time, and they write about it, in a very friendly and informative manner. That is pretty amazing, right?

If you have an idea for collaboration — write to us, so we can bring it to life together.

Join this week’s Reddit discussion and AMA at Sola subreddit and follow Sola on all of our channels:

Telegram News channel and Telegram Chat, Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.

We also want to remind you about the conferences we will attend at the nearest future. Don’t hesitate to catch up with us there.

  • 22 of March we will be at the Blockchain and Bitcoin conference in Tallinn.
  • 24–27 of March we will attend the D10 conference in Vilnius.
  • 26th of April we will be on the Blockchain Summit in Frankfurt. As we are planning a meetup before or after the conference, let us know if you are interested in meeting with the team this time.


General Bug fixes and Improvements

  • Topics development almost finished, we are testing it now.
  • Two new points, related to the Topics, added to the Reporting system interface.
  • Improved Search output [Backend]
  • The text of deposit/withdrawal emails changed.
  • Developers’ web interface is in progress[Web]
  • Fixed the login buttons at landing page [Web]
  • Fixed the issue with the Plagman, displaying when setting up the avatar [Web]
  • Fixed the links to Sola’s Terms of Use [Web]

