Here comes the Sun

Your contribution to both nation and nature

J Lanka Technologies
Solar Energy Sri Lanka


Solar Energy for Life!

Imagine a world that only uses energy sources that don’t harm our environment. A solution that maintains the balance of nature, at the same time generating the electricity supplies to live our lives the way we choose to do. Impossible, you say? Think again. Solar energy is growing fast as an excellent way to utilize the free energy our planet has to offer.

The world as we know faces urgent energy problems. We’re running out of fossil fuels, and most importantly, our increasing technological lifestyles impact nature in an enormous way. Luckily, time the development of new energy sources has made huge strides over the past few years. With awareness of our environment comes the willingness to choose energy sources that have a lesser impact on our world. One of the major alternative energy sources is through the use of solar energy.

Solar energy uses the energy of sunlight, which is harvested through solar panels for private use as well as for businesses. The great thing of solar energy is that it’s accessible and beneficial even on a small scale. The benefits for homeowners are enormous, both in terms of financial advantage as of a positive effect on the environment. Solar energy will save you money and help reduce consumption of traditional fossil fuels, at the same time.

Solar Energy in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, solar energy is abundant throughout the year. Thus, the amount of potential energy is enormous and available for everyone who chooses a better and affordable way of electricity use. Within this climate of progress, Jlanka Technologies for one has proven itself as a front runner. Over the past years they have proven over and over again that solar energy is an extremely viable option. Jlanka has made significant strides to get solar inverter systems validated through local utility companies.

Being a leader in solar energy harvesting systems, they have been successfully converting solar energy into electricity since its start in 2010. Since then, Jlanka has contributed to both nation and nature:

• Leadership in solar energy harvesting systems with over 200 Net meter based installations throughout Sri Lanka
• Generated over 1 Mega Watt of electricity to the national grid
• Saved 240,000 kg of Carbon emission
• Saved 30,000 liters of fossil fuels that would have otherwise generated electricity
• So far contributed the equivalent of planting 600 mature trees

Solar panels on roof top

If you think your choice of energy doesn’t have any impact, you’re wrong: even a modest 2.5kw solar power system can, over a lifetime, prevent the production of 300 oil barrels, 1,100 lbs of acid rain and 220,000 lbs of greenhouse gases not emitted.

With a solar panel system you will combine financial benefits with supplying a viable source of alternative energy, enabling society as a whole to work towards a better, greener planet. Companies such as Jlanka Technologies can help you to find out all about feasible tailor made solar harvesting system. For you, and your planet.

Solar Power at residence of Otara Gunawardena, CEO - ODEL

Founder & CEO of ODEL, Otara Gunawardena cannot be wrong. She has selected JLanka as the solar energy solution provider at her residence. Watch the video here.



J Lanka Technologies
Solar Energy Sri Lanka

J Lanka Technologies is the most advanced solar energy harvesting solutions provider in Sri Lanka for homes, commercial and Hotel & Leisure power solutions.