Zero Water Wastage in Solar Energy attracts the World Water Day Award!

Water Day Award goes to Solar for preserving water

J Lanka Technologies
Solar Energy Sri Lanka


SUNFO — Sri Lanka United Nations Friendship organization is a people’s organization consisting of many renowned personalities in Sri Lanka & Overseas. It is an organization committed to the development of Children, Youth, Women, adults, & Senior Citizens. For 2014, the organization has chosen the theme “Water and Energy” and emphasizes how water and energy are closely interlinked and interdependent.

Water and Energy

Did you know that water is used in the process of generating fuel energy? Water is used mainly to pump crude oil and for cooling purposes. On the other hand, water is also immensely polluted by the use of crude oil, in ways such as, oil spills, and factory wastage. According to recent statistics, energy sources like coal, nuclear and natural gas uses up to 1100 gallons per MWh. But, on the other hand, solar energy does not use any water at all to generate energy.

The organization also points out that 8% of energy generated globally, are used for pumping, treating and transporting water to consumers. The costs involved in this process make it difficult for poorer people to gain access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation. Therefore, this year United Nation aims to find the best practice in the green industry to help bring the dream of, making available clean water to everyone, a reality. In short, going green has a lot of benefits, the latest and the much less noticed benefit is saving water and making it feasible to provide clean water to less fortunate; a target United Nations is trying to achieve. Companies like JLanka can help immensely to achieve that target.

Water Used by Power Plants [INFOGRAPHIC]. Source :

JLanka wins the water day award for preserving water

JLanka, a pioneer solar company in Sri Lanka, received World Water Day — Excellence Service Award 2014 from SUNFO — Sri Lanka United Nations Friendship organization, for the excellent service they do to create a greener world. Additionally, earlier this year they were also awarded with a Green Leadership Award of Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2014 — South Asia. JLanka was declared as the best solar energy provider of the year in south Asia for its premiership in Solar Power technology over 300 successful projects & generating above 1.6 MW green electricity to the national grid, to date.

Jlanka wins Green Leadership Award of Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2014 — South Asia.

Related articles : Sri Lankan Solar Industry Recognized with the Green Leadership Award



J Lanka Technologies
Solar Energy Sri Lanka

J Lanka Technologies is the most advanced solar energy harvesting solutions provider in Sri Lanka for homes, commercial and Hotel & Leisure power solutions.