Solar Energy vs. Fossil Fuels: Which is the Right Choice in the 21st Century?

John Milford
Solar Water Wind
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2020

Well, many people are still confused in the current times about whether they should go for solar panels or stick to fossil fuels. There is no doubt about the fact that the global economy is mostly reliant on coal, oil and natural gas. However, this source of energy is not entirely reliable because they are slowly running out with the passage of time. In contemporary times, most places are dependent on a non-renewable source of energy but the dependency on the renewable source of energy is just 2 percent. Based on the current situation, it is high time to check whether going solar is going to solve the increasing rise of petroleum and diesel as well as explore the benefits of harnessing solar energy in the current times.

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Solar Energy vs. Fossil Fuels

Compared to the environmental impact from the usage of fossil fuels, it is must be understood that solar energy is the optimal resource than fossil fuels. Furthermore, Government subsidies are playing a bigger role in furthering and promoting the benefits of solar energy in current times. Many people are searching for solar panel battery Wyong because they have understood the right thing to do for preserving the balance in nature.

The Disadvantages of Using Fossil Fuel Electricity

Well, most of us are aware of the disadvantages of fossil fuels which are air pollution, water pollution and other which are contributing to global warming every day. However, there are very few people who know the huge amount of investment and hassles that it requires in the construction of the production plants. Also, the operating costs required for the production of fossil fuels is very high compared to what it requires for operating a solar energy system.

Moreover, it is very easy to install a solar panel on the roof or on the ground surface where there is the availability of good sunlight. This facility does not come with fossil fuel plant installation because not only does it involve huge cost but also fossil fuel production facility cannot be set up everywhere. Many do not know that the process of drilling leads to degradation and erosion of the ground as well as pollutes the water supply at the same time.

On a concluding note, there is no doubt about the fact that solar is a green source of energy plus it does not cause any pollution even when produced at a mass scale. Apart from that solar energy is renewable which means it will replenish but complete dependency on fossil fuels will only create conflicts, pollution and war in the end. So the choice is now yours, it is your responsibility to take a decision which will either benefit you in the long-run but also the planet or invite a catastrophe that neither you or the rest of us want to see in the upcoming days.

